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Date: 17.05.2007
From: Lin williams

Subject: Walking Sticks

Hi everyone, I am new to this site and have read every ones stories and accounts of different varieties (sorry its late, cant spell properly)!

Can anyone please tell me how to use a walking stick,(without falling over and scraging your knees) Ive tried all ways, but still end up carrying the damn thing home again.

Sorry to anyone who may take offense, but seeing as we are all fellow sufferers, I thought we could all do with a little cheering up

This sero negative rheumatoid arthritis is really getting on my pip, its bad enough that we have to suffer the pain, but why the hell do the specialist insist on giving us walking sticks without the instruction manual.
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Date: 16.07.2007
From: Kath B

Subject: Re: Walking Sticks

hi Lin, have been reading your replies and u sound very nice and i hope this helps u. I am new to the forum today. I have just started using a walking stick,i needed an idiots guide!I was told by physio to carry stick in the opposite hand to your worse side ie mine problem is down my right. so i use my left hand to use the stick put your worst foot forward followed by the stick,but i only just manage cos it felt so awkard cos i wanted to do the exact opposite.i am at the moment having a really bad flare up with OA in my spine and left hip, getting out of bed is a nightmare but find that my stick does help,instead of getting my husband out of bed i pull myself up with a few groans then put my weight on my stick and hobble to the loo, sitting down to the loo and getting up is very painful but the stick does help. I a am forever dropping it, so i carry a picker upper stick given to me by OP dept, it really helps, ask your OT dept at your local hospital they are very helpful and some aids are free. This is the worst flare so far and it was so painful i got panicky and nearly went to E & A yesterday,cos it felt like my hip was wobbling about and the pain is indiscrable,even if the dog brushed past me and caught my leg i winced. sorry to go on just glad to av found this site with fellow sufferers it does help to talk,specially since my daughter wont help me too busy with her boyfriend!and i am upset about that as u know stress does not help! Good luck kath
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Date: 19.09.2009
From: Bernie

Subject: Re: Walking Sticks

Hi Lin and Kath, Both my hips are in constant pain,I have oa in hands and wrists and also have fibromyalgia. I use my stick in my right hand but don't put my weight on it cus my rists are too sore, i use it more for support cus I wlk very slow. I'm still trying o get used to it, I don't seen to have the coordination, I'm sure I'll get it in time, I'm still a bit embarrassed about it and you know people are looking at ya and wondering, what happened to her?and I find it too long to explain. My boyfriend done eerything for me but he starts college on monday, not sure how I'll get on without him, I have a daughter aswel but she doesn't live with me and anyway, she said he can't deal with me in pain, she doesn't know what to do or say. Hopfully she will get used to it.cus I will need her help.
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Date: 19.09.2009
From: sharon

Subject: Re: Walking Sticks

hi all i have walking sticks and it took meweeks to get the cordination right still get mixed up now as for dropping them that never stops haha. lynn b you say you have problems getting out of bed in morning i was the same but my occupational therapist got me a bed loop that fits on side of your bed under the mattress and is a great help for getting out of bed with plus i have a small free standing frame that goes round the loo makes toilet like armchair but can be moved out of way if you have visitors both of these came from my occupational therapist so ask them about them it makes life that little bit more easier dont struggle in silence hope things get a bit better for you soon and the pain eases lol:0)
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Date: 21.09.2009
From: Jules

Subject: Re: Walking Sticks

Hi gals sorry your in that much pain I found that walking sticks were no good for me they caused too much pain in my wrists and hands my ot got me s special crutch not the ordinary kind but one that you rest your forearm flat on a pad and your hand holds a bar that sticks up vertical. They were much more helpful could manage using just one. Hope this help xx
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