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Date: 09.10.2020
From: Anthony

Subject: osteo arthritis in knee & naproxen

Hello all, first time here.

I can control my knee enough to get by for basics
with only one 250mg tablet taken once a week.But, despite this my surgery are getting iffy about a fresh prescription because they say my kidney function is low at 50 but no protein evident in sample - I'm 68.

My old Doctor was OK with that, but now he's left and current one isn't.

I can't not take something because my knee swells up if I don't and ice doesn't bring it down, then I'm limping around and too sedentary.

What's the score on this please.
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Date: 09.10.2020
From: Lois

Subject: Re: osteo arthritis in knee & naproxen

Hi Anthony,
Your kidney function is is quiet low. Your Dr is being cautious on your behalf. What one Dr will let go another wont.
I would speak to your Dr and ask what else he can give you for the swelling and pain relief.

You are right something else needs sorting for you.
We all struggle getting things right for us. It is trial and error.
Have they ever offered surgery?
I really hope you get things sorted out.
Take care.
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Date: 09.10.2020
From: Anthony

Subject: Re: osteo arthritis in knee & naproxen

Thanks, will do, preferably with another Dr at the surgery, issue aside, this one suffers a little from a condition called tin-ear.

I couldn't consider surgery for the foreseeable future I have to do things for my wife daily. No nearby relatives to stand in.

But isn't 250mg pwk an extremely low dosage? The previous doc made a double take when I told him, he assumed at first I meant per day.

That was voluntary on my part I experimented to see how many days I could go without. But much longer and letting it get to the point of inflammation before taking another tablet was self defeating, because then it required a few days to get the swelling back down

It'd have to be something to reduce obvious inflammation, a pain blocker wouldn't suffice.
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Date: 09.10.2020
From: Anthony

Subject: Re: osteo arthritis in knee & naproxen

Been reading up a bit, looks like insurance company cut-offs are influencing how people are being categorised and treated.

But wait a minute. Kidney function declines with age in almost everyone, and the proportion of older people with G.F.R. readings below 60 approaches 50 percent, studies have found. As the older adult population grows, the prevalence may rise even higher.

Yet the proportion of older people who will ever reach kidney failure, and thus need dialysis or a transplant, remains very low. People donāt turn to dialysis until their G.F.R. sinks much further, to about 10. In the great majority of older adults, that will never happen.

The lifetime risk of kidney failure in the United States is 3.6 percent for whites and 8 percent for African-Americans, one widely cited study found.


"Instead, Dr. Glassock and others propose that in people older than 65, the diagnosis should require a G.F.R. reading less than 45. At that lower threshold, they estimate, a third to half of the chronic kidney disease diagnosed in older patients would suddenly disappear."

Thoughts on this anyone?
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