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Date: 09.04.2018
From: Charlotte Watkins

Subject: Newly diagnosed - not even 100% sure


I am hoping that I will be able to get some advice here. I suffered from Juvenile Arthritis for a couple of years as a kid, which only really affected my knee. Since January last year, I have had painful swelling in my kee and hip (opposite sides). I am 27 now, and the rheumatologist is referring to it as Oligoarticular arthritis and has prescribed me Methotrexate which I haven't started yet.

Reading up on it, I am very nervous.. The side effects look like they could be quite difficult to work through?? I know it's very commonly prescribed, so perhaps people can let me know what it is like? How best to reduce any side effects?

Is there anything else I can be doing to minimize the flare ups? Any dietary advice? I have started taking cod liver oil, which helped the hip for a week or so. My knee has been swollen and barely able to move it for around 3 weeks now.. any advice there?

I look forward to hearing from people :)
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Date: 15.04.2018
From: Julie

Subject: Re: Newly diagnosed - not even 100% sure

Hi Charlotte, I take mtx and have done for 4 years now, never suffered any side effects at all. As to how to handle flares well that is the million dollar question we all would like an answer to. My answer is plenty of painkillers and dont over do things or you will pay for it. Its a crap illness to live with but with correct medication life can be easier painwise. It helps if you have a good rheumatology department aswell. I as well as many others find eating tomatoes, oranges and drinkig orange can cause my flares but we are all different. Take care and I hope someone else can give more help than I can.
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