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Date: 17.10.2016
From: chrissy

Subject: Feeling alone and need help!

Hello, I have OA, FMS, ME and Hypothyroidism. All of my conditions cause me pain, so i find it difficult too tell which condition is causing the pain. I am struggling too come to terms with the most recent diagnosis (OA). My clumsiness causes frustration and a overwhelming feeling of dis-pear. I have a supportive husband who tries too help, but he doesn't really truely understand the feelings i'm having. I need advice on how to accept and live with this debilitating conditions. Thanks for taking time too read my thread ;)
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Date: 17.10.2016
From: Karen

Subject: Re: Feeling alone and need help!

Hi Chrissy, sorry to hear to you're feeling overwhelmed. I have had Psoriatic Arthritis for over 20 years, I'm 48 and have just had joint replacement surgery on my hand.
It took me a few years after my diagnosis to come to terms with it, my family were and are very supportive but like your husband didn't really understand.
I'm new to this forum but have in the past benefitted greatly from speaking on forums such as this one to people who are living with the same problems as me.
Although we don't have the same diagnosis I am happy to offer any support I can even if it's just chatting with you.
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Date: 17.10.2016
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Feeling alone and need help!

Hi Chrissy,
I have had RA for over twenty years & when its distroyed some of my joints they tell me I got OA in those joints ,

as for the other conditions you mention , FMS & ME , some think its the same condition but Hypothyroidism goes with FMS & my son got both + joint hypermobility , there is another condition which has all of these call
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type 3 (EDS)but know doctors dont like putting labels on conditions
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Date: 17.10.2016
From: Lucy

Subject: Re: Feeling alone and need help!

Hi Chrissy, It does take time to come to terms with a condition when we are first diagnosed. I remember how I felt when I was told it was RA that i had. I felt my life had ended as I remembered how bad my mother had been with it. I remember reading that when you come to terms with a diagnosis it can actually help, i found in me it has as i was wasting so much energy being angry and upset.

Colin, it's funny you saying that they told you it was OA in your joints. I'm having a lot of problems with my ankles and they have told me the same but I know it is the RA that is causing it.

You are not alone Chrissy so try and stay positive and not let it get you down too much. x
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Date: 18.10.2016
From: chrissy

Subject: Re: Feeling alone and need help!

Thank you for your reply. Since being on this forum i know that i'm not alone. I have a neighbour who claims too have OA, and i have tried too talk too her, but when i do i find it turns into a competition, which doesn't help. I know there isn't much help out there for joint pain, and the Dr's say im too young for hip replacements, but that doesn't help me. I always come away from the Dr's frustrated, and feeling going too the Dr's is such a waste of time, but i go as my husband thinks it's what you do when your unwell. The way i see it, you have too be well into your 60's before they consider surgery, but what am i supposed too do for the next 15 years!! Sorry about the rant x Acceptance is hard!
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Date: 18.10.2016
From: lois

Subject: Re: Feeling alone and need help!

Hi Chrissy, it is really hard dealing with the pain. What pain meds do you have we all get pain but you should not be suffering all the time. pain meds are really important for us. I had to take a few different ones before I found the ones that suited my pain.
I also come away from the Drs frustrated but my GP explained how hard it is to control our pain.
I use a hot water bottle and heat pads it is not a cure just comforting. You could also ask to be sent to the pain clinic at your local hospital. They are great for advice and sorting out pain meds.
As for your neighbour it made me smile I have had that many times most people think all arthritis is the same. I have RA and OA and by what I read on the forum that is the normal.
I hope chatting on here will be helpful I come on here when I need people that understand. I ask questions moan and vent off I have never been judged. We are all in the same position and we all do understand.
Take care Chrissy xx
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Date: 27.10.2016
From: chrissy

Subject: 824825

Thanks for your kind reply. I have asked for a referral too the pain clinic. I have started a topic on going too the pain clinic, asking what too expect on my first appointment.
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