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Date: 30.08.2016
From: Brenda

Subject: What can I do?

Hi All .. I'm new to this forum .. My name is Brenda I'm 57 years old I'm married and have one 35 year old son and 2 lovely Grand Children that is 1 years old and a 3 year old. I'm from and live in the Country. My Mom had very bad arthritis in her legs hands and her feet .. She was always in pain and hard for a Doctor to treat .. She had more medicine then you could believe but nothing really helped her much .. She had a knee replacement but after the surgery would not try and walk she said it hurt too much so she just sat in her rocker just about all the time and crouched I remember her ending up walking with a walker. I'm heading her way .. My legs my knees and my back and hips are very sore.. It's a chore to just walk for too long of a time .. Like I said I have 2 Grand Children .. My family loves to walk trails at the parks and Its so hard for me .. I do it but bearly can. I have a Sciatic nerve on my left side that stops me from doing so much that I use to love to. My Doctor is worthless all she wants to do is throw inflammation pills at me she is just a regular MD .. I asked her for Prednisone but she won't give it to me. I can't afford a specialist because my Insurance CDPHP don't cover it all and I always end up with a big bill out of pocket expense. I was given Prednisone before for a really bad cold and man it helped my arthritis so much but that was from another Doctor of mi e that passed away. I know I can buy it online without a perscription but I don't even remember what mg it was that helped me. I'm at a lost and don't know what to do. My whole family does fun things but I have too much pain to enjoy it .. HELP!!!!!!! I can't get any Doctor to care enough to really do anything for my pain.
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Date: 30.08.2016
From: lois

Subject: Re: What can I do?

Hi Brenda, sorry your Dr is so disinterested. You need to change him/her. Do you have another Dr at the practise or another GP surgery in your area?

You should be having blood tests to determine the Arthritis you have. Depending on which one will show how best to treat you.

There is no reason why you should be in so much pain. You need the correct medication.

There is always A&E if you get into too much pain.

I wish you all the best and just keep knocking on those doors until you get help.

Take care and let us know how you are doing.
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Date: 30.08.2016
From: Sean

Subject: Re: What can I do?

Hi Brenda from your reference to CDPHP - I guess you are in the US.

Medication can help some people - but my Dad's arthritis got worse on meds so I sought another route when I was 26.

I recommend looking at this - copy and paste the links to open. Other people with RA having success with alternatives (does not need to be a replacement for medical treatment!! But can be if you get results)

"Autoimmune disease is caused by the immune system losing the ability to differentiate proteins belonging to your own body with proteins belonging to a foreign invader"

This person got results -
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