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Date: 03.12.2015
From: Charlotte

Subject: Psoriatic arthritis - trying to conceive - advice please.

Hi all,
I'm new to this forum, apologies for the long question but I could do with some help, please.

I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis 8 years ago. Treated with mtx which I stopped after 5 years & then just continued
with sulfasalazine & hydroxychloroquine. I stopped these two meds in June this year to try and conceive my 1st child. It was my personal preference to stop the meds. You don't drink alcohol while pregnant & I didn't want to take the tablets. I wanted to give my baby the best start in life.
I fell pregnant in July but unfortunately miscarried in Aug.
With it been cold & damp now my arthritis has worsened & I am in a lot of pain. Rheumatology have just said to take paracetamol which is doing nothing. They don't seem interested now as I am not taking any preventative medication.
Has anybody any experience of arthritis & pregnancy? What painkillers did you take? Has anybody had successful pregnancies with sulfasalazine?

Also I never seem to have much swelling with my psoriatic arthritis and therefore I sometimes think rheumatology don't believe me but the pain is sometimes unbearable. Is it usual to have no swelling?

I don't have psoriasis.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Date: 03.12.2015
From: lucy

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis - trying to conceive - advice please.

Hi Charlotte, Fist of all I would like to say welcome to the forum but really sorry that you have PA and had a miscarriage, I had a miscarriage many years ago and I know how upsetting it can be. I'm afraid I'm not going to be of much help to you but hope some of the younger members will come on and advise. As far as I know sulphasalazine is meant to be safe in pregnancy but obviously it is something you would need to discuss with the right people.

You don't have to have swelling or even inflammation to have pain with these diseases so I think you should ask to see someone at the rheumatology dept that will be a bit more supportive to you.

Hope it all works out for you. x
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Date: 14.12.2015
From: SarahM

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis - trying to conceive - advice please.


I understand what you are going through. It's hard and people don't understand :( like you I had to come off meds to conceive. I was on methotrexate so had to stop taking for 6 months before they said I was safe to conceive.

My arthritis was too bad to go med free so they allowed me to take low dose predisolone (steroids) and paracetamol. I'm not going to lie I was in agony. Phone them up and get an appointment, tell them you are in agony. If possible ask to see a different rheumy if yours isn't listening?

I'd recommend, although expensive to use ovulation tests, etc as they do help.

Once pregnant you may find your arthritis eases a bit. If you have to take meds thou with their advice then do. I know what you mean about wanting the best for the baby but our bodies won't conceive with high levels of inflammation etc. They will monitor you well too on any meds. Extra scans, extra care etc. so it's all good.

I did it again and again. I now have had 3 very healthy babies.

Wishing you lots of luck x
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