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Date: 23.11.2015
From: Linda

Subject: Niagra therapy

Hiya has anyone on this site tried or knows how much niagry therapy is? it keeps cropping up on social media but when you ask how much you don't get any answers. they say it is used in the nhs? I have osteoarthritis in my hands and wrists and is quite painful at the moment but don't want to keep using painkillers, but I have a feeling if I let them give me what feels like it would be hard sell I wont be able to afford it anyway.
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Date: 24.11.2015
From: sleek fox

Subject: Re: Niagra therapy

If you do a quick google, you will see that MSE and Mumsnet both have threads talking about problems with the people who sell this stuff to vulnerable people. I can guarantee it is not used in the NHS, and if it were, it would be available through reputable sources. I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.
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Date: 24.11.2015
From: lois

Subject: Re: Niagra therapy

I googled this as well. I had never heard of it. It is so expensive and the company doesn't seem to have a very good reputation. They also seem to be getting information about peoples health. All seems a bit off.

I would leave this well alone. (just my opinion of course)
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Date: 24.11.2015
From: Linda

Subject: Re: Niagra therapy

Thankyou so much for that I felt it couldn't be right but when you are in pain anything that doesn't involve taking tablets is something to research.
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Date: 02.12.2015
From: Edward Smillie

Subject: Re: Niagra therapy

My wife enquired about this ,we had a rep called at home .We had no idea what it was and the rep started showing vibrating pads .I have arthritis in my hands so I tried a pad on hands it left me with several very sore fingers which lasted seven weeks .Then the bombshell came £6500 for a chair or £4500 for a lesser one , that's when the rep was politely asked to leave . It seems they sell overpriced goods with exaggerated claims
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Date: 03.12.2015
From: Barry

Subject: Re: Niagra therapy

I have osteoarthritis most major joints including both wrists, some 8 years ago I had to give up driving , I was using support splints, but my wrists became too weak, what I did was to buy spring loaded flexible hand grips, I didn't keep flexing them I just squeezed them closed then held the grip, I had several types, several strengths, I also started putting hand towels flannels, socks, in the kitchen sink and washing them slowly in warm water, I also have squeezey balls to maintain a grip on when I'm just sitting around, I massage most of my joints when my wrists are 'up for it', then keep creaming my wrists and keeping them in constant movement, I'm back driving now, my left wrist lets me know it so I'm limited , but I drive well within my limits, safely, I never give up keeping just about everywhere in my body mobile, painkillers are a thankful backup, diet really helps, we can do so much for our selves, im always interested in all these 'techniques' that are out there, but as we all know, they come at a price, this particular one appears to be just aids for people, people with a few bob in their pocket, stay strong, keep working on yourselves, barry
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Date: 03.12.2015
From: lois

Subject: Re: Niagra therapy

Oh my goodness. Thank goodness you didn't fall into that trap I have read that a lot of people have.
I can't imagine how anything that vibrates would have a good outcome for any of us. I have always been told gentle massage and exercise under water is the best.

Thank you for this post Edward.
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Date: 03.12.2015
From: Pete Dawson

Subject: Re: Niagra therapy

Hmm, one of the many expensive scams I have found. It's amazing how many folk are comfortable making wads of cash out of our misfortune!
I'm all for trying natural things, but only if it's reasonably priced.
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Date: 03.12.2015
From: Pete Dawson

Subject: Re: Niagra therapy

Lois, you are correct! Gentle massage... I also swear by the aromatherapy oils I use,with lots of Lavender and other essential oils. I only pay about £8 a bottle for them... although there are some out there trying to charge a lot more.
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