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Date: 05.07.2015
From: N

Subject: Diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my back

Hi, I've just looked for a forum on arthritis and I'm happy to find this one. Through an MRI I've been diagnosed with severe spinal osteoarthritis. I'm in my 40's. I may have it elsewhere but the initial MRI was for lower back because of severe pain which hasn't responded to physio (and painkillers only dull it a little).

I would really appreciate any advice regarding how to deal with this diagnosis. I'm finding I'm restricted day to day and become exhausted with the pain. Thank you.
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Date: 05.07.2015
From: sleek Fox

Subject: Re: Diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my back

My dad has just been diagnosed with this. He is doing the physio and taking painkillers and was told he could try a chiropractor as a next step. You could ask to be referred to a pain management course. I did one years ago and they teach to you manage your life a lot better through pacing, stretches and exercise. Really very useful.
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Date: 05.07.2015
From: lois

Subject: Re: Diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my back

Hi N, you first challenge will be finding the correct pain medication. A good chat with your Gp would help. I take Co-Codamol and Tramadol. A hot water bottle or two can ease a lot of discomfort.

As Sleekfox has said a pain clinic could be very useful.

I have OA in the spine. Did they mention any disc damage at all?
I am not going to say you are young because OA can strike at any age.

It is a painful disease and can be restricting and very draining. You need to have plenty of rest and know when your body is telling you to stop what you are doing.
May I ask what you do for a living.

Take care and let us know how you get on.
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Date: 05.07.2015
From: N

Subject: Re: Diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my back

Thank you sleek fox and Lois. Pain management course sounds good. I'll ask if they have one via the GP. Yes I have heard that OA can hit any age but tends to be the older population. I've been prescribed cocodamol plus an NSAID. It just dulls it a bit. Lois, I do have some disc bulging and damage but it is the OA which is severe. I have been in so much pain that working isn't on the cards at the moment. The back pain came on suddenly last year and was severe.
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Date: 05.07.2015
From: lois

Subject: Re: Diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my back

I was just wondering about your disc's as I have OA and it does cause the disc's to bulge. I had some back surgery in 2009. It might be worth you discussing the disc hernia with your GP and ask would surgery help. I know it sounds really bad but this surgery is done often now.
My husband has had back surgery for herniated disc's and my nephew also. It is so common sometimes I ask my self why. My nephew like me has had OA since his thirties. It is not unusual for a sudden onset of pain usually caused by the bulging disc and then the MRI shows the OA that causes the discs to come out of line.
I guessed you would probably be unable to work it is such a horrible disease.
You can still have a good life just a little different and you will learn what you can and can't do. If your pain meds are not working ask your GP to change them until you find something that helps you. There is no need for you to be in pain at all. To a degree we do have to learn to cope with some of the pain. I.E. when the meds run out a bit early or we over do things.

I hope this forum helps you at least with a bit of support. Please let us know how you are doing. I hope your gp is supportive with you.

Take care and keep your chin up.
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Date: 06.07.2015
From: N

Subject: Re: Diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my back

Thank you lois.

I really appreciate your response. I've arranged to see the GP to discuss options and further possible tests. I have mild bulging I believe but will get that checked. The GP did mention surgery as a possibility. I will see if they recommend a referral.

Pain management is going to be interesting. I find the painkillers make me feel unwell and dulled but I know they need to be taken.

I was in the middle of changing career but have had to abort.

Thanks again.
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Date: 06.07.2015
From: sleek fox

Subject: Re: Diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my back

Pain management isn't necessarily (or even, in my case) about painkillers, N!

There are pain clinics and pain management courses. They are different things. Both might be appropriate or neither. It's worth looking into them.
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Date: 12.07.2015
From: N

Subject: Re: Diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my back

Thanks Sleek Fox. I'll look into what works best. Trial and error at the moment.
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Date: 12.07.2015
From: sleek Fox

Subject: Re: Diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my back

It's the only way to go. Different things work for different people. Best of luck!
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Date: 19.07.2015
From: cachophrastus

Subject: Re: Diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my back

Hi N,

Dr. Seignalet (pronounced "Saynyalay") had 94% success in treating osteo with his diet. (Note: the diet cannot heal existing lesions but there is
a 50% chance that it will halt the progression and put the disease into remission.)

From Dr. Seignalet's results tables:
Classification: "clogging disease"
118 patients treated, complete remissions 47, 80/90% improvements: 53. 50% improvements: 12, failures: 7

You can read more about Dr. Seignalet and the book which tells you why the diet works and how to follow it here:
(Use full URL)
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