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Date: 10.03.2015
From: Bekki

Subject: White blood cell count and liver function

Hello, I had my fortnightly bloods taken on Friday the 6th I had a lot of calls whist I was at work on the Saturday and voicemails from my gp saying That I must get in touch with them first thing on the Monday morning, I did so and they rushed me in for more bloods to be taken as my white cell level was at 3.8. They came back within normal range on the last test however my liver function came back abnormal, I'm asking my doctors questions and they aren't giving me any answers (all they keep doing is putting me in for more blood tests) and when I ring my rheumatology advice line they say I need to be asking my doctors at my gp the questions as I've been released into their care now.
I am so sorry to keep bombarding the page with all my posts, Im just getting so very confused with everything.
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Date: 10.03.2015
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: White blood cell count and liver function

hi bekki

this is a booklet my surgery has for Methotrexate blood test

WBC range is 4.0-11.0 for people on methotrexate

ALT (liver test) usually less than 50 u/l

why have they released you back to your GP , they know very little about arthritis , and what drugs you on ?
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Date: 10.03.2015
From: Bekki

Subject: Re: White blood cell count and liver function

Thanks Colin I'll have a read of that now.

They put my prescriptions to be done by my gp then when I rang up rheumatology they then said I should be asking my practice doctors before hand and that they are following the protocol the hospital sent them when I was transferred over.
It would appear the gps don't really know the answers to my questions and I feel like I'm being send round the woods to get to the trees again. Just like before getting diagnosed. I do have a hospital appointment next month so hopefully I'll get somewhere with that.

I'm currently just on methotrexate but I'm not seeing any benefits as of yet
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Date: 10.03.2015
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: White blood cell count and liver function

Bekki , some of us take folic acid 6 days a week & I was put on this because of liver problems my ALT was 170 & since it has been down to normal range , been on Meth since 1998 , all the consultants have diferent levels they like to start you on , it does take some time to work , try to find out what your CRP & ESR levels are & ask the nurse if they have the booklet
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Date: 10.03.2015
From: Bekki

Subject: Re: White blood cell count and liver function

Thank you very much for your help. I'm back on Monday for another set to be taken so I'm going to ask for numbers then. I did start on three tablets a week for two weeks, then jumped straight to six a week, but then that made me feel very sick, got told to go back to three,then upped it by one tablet a week and got upto 5 then got told to stop taking them as I became poorly and got put on antibiotics around Christmas time. Now I've been on the dose of six a week for 3 months. Been a bit of a rollar coaster ride on them haha!
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Date: 10.03.2015
From: sleekfox

Subject: Re: White blood cell count and liver function

I've had much lower blood count than that. They usually took me off the mtx until it had come back up. The same with the liver results. I find it's better to get my prescriptions from the hospital and all my tests done there as they are much more knowledgable than GPs. (though my GP is excellent and knows more than most, it's too difficult to keep both the GP and the rheumy in the loop.)
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