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Date: 12.08.2014
From: Toni

Subject: Arthritis in thumb

Hey everyone. This may seem like a silly question but I have recently been suffering with pain at the base of my thumb. Really low down almost near my wrist.
Aches almost constantly and if I go to pick my little one up or hold a glass for example the pain can be so sharp it can make me jump.
Even aching trying to hoover. Thought at first I had maybe sprained it but my other thumb is feeling similar on occasions.
Could this be the ra it still being tested for ( positive ra factor but esr etc were not elevated so doc says it's fibro).
Pain throughout my body is changing all the time and really starting to notice my hands ache.
The pain or shall I say aches In my joints is changing to a deeper ache and more frequently than before.
Just wanted some advice really please and maybe advice a description of how It feels in your hands and thumb.
Many thanks In advance xx
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Date: 12.08.2014
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Arthritis in thumb

Hi Toni, according to my rheumys, arthritis at the base of the thumb is nearly always OA. However, I had a scan on mine earlier this year and it was full of fluid and the consultant said it was RA.
I had a steroid injection under ultrasound and it's better.
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Date: 12.08.2014
From: Toni

Subject: Re: Arthritis in thumb

May I just also add that my hips are incredibly sore at the moment. I can barely touch them and my joints that I do have trouble with feel like I have just knocked them. Like when you hit your elbow and get that after pain.
I can have an odd day when I feel kinda normal but another day feel so tired and have aching joints all over.
I'm not asking for a diagnosis. Just maybe a kind person to read my message and give an opinion as to me this does not fit fibro.
Just because I had tender points and little swelling I was sent off with that diagnosis and a sleep hygiene leaflet !!
How to get a good night's sleep.
Not possible with two young children.
Sorry to go on. Just feeling anxious xx
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Date: 12.08.2014
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Arthritis in thumb

Hi Toni, Have you been referred to a rheumatologist? If not, then I would insist that your GP refers you. I often get a sore wrist and sometimes it affects the thumb joint too and I find wearing a support on my wrist helps a bit. I have seen supports in the Pound Shop that wrap around the wrist. Before I was diagnosed with RA I would often feel like I had flu, without the cold symtoms and no energy at all but everyone is different and I think it's important you should see a specialist. Good luck. x
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Date: 12.08.2014
From: toni

Subject: Re: Arthritis in thumb

I have seen two rheumatologist and they both gave different diagnosis.
First said ra and because I was so nervous about the diagnosis and drugs she prescribed I wanted to be certain so got a second opinion.
That was when the fibro came into the equation.
I also have the flu feeling without the cold. Not all the time but when I'm feeling particularly sore.
Ache the rest of the time and feel so tired.
Used to get sore tender middle joints In my fingers but nothing like this. Has been constant for over a week and now the other thumb is doing it too.
About a month ago In thought In had broken my wrist. Could not bend it or touch it for about 3 days. Pain would shoot up my arm and was so tender.
Went to bed one night with it painful and In the morning it had gone like it was never there but my ankles hurt Instead.
Last saw rheumy almost six months ago so should be due a follow up soon.
Could not tolerate the amytriptiline and care for my boys as it made me so sleepy and I'm tired already.
Guess I'm just going to have to go as long with it until I can get some answers.
I'm starting to see a pattern almost now as it's been going on for about two years. Maybe that will help.
Thank you for replying. I will look for a support for my wrist xx
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Date: 12.08.2014
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Arthritis in thumb

Hi Toni, It certainly sounds like a lot of the symtoms that I had at the beginning. I would feel as though my ankle or shoulder was broken then it could be fine a couple of days later. I have heard that some people can have a normal ESR and still have RA. If it is RA then there are so many things now to help it and make you feel better. I would try and get another appointment and get another opinion, as it may be a different rheumatologist that you will see. Take care. xx
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Date: 12.08.2014
From: Toni

Subject: Re: Arthritis in thumb

Thank you Rhona. You end up making yourself feel crazy so It's reassuring I'm not the only one to experience it xx
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