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Date: 22.07.2014
From: Claire

Subject: Newly diagnosed at 23 years old

Hi all

I was diagnosed with Spondyloarthropathy two weeks ago. I'm 23 years old and live in South Africa. I've had 2 doses of methotrexate so far, and had to skip work today as I'm so tired and sore. Are there any other young people that feel like this? Any suggestions on exercises or anything I can do to not feel like a 90 year old anymore? :P
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Date: 22.07.2014
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Newly diagnosed at 23 years old

Hi Claire

I have a common form of Spondyloarthropathy - called Ankylosing Spondylitis.

My shoulder blade area, back and rib cage / sternum were effected the most - then my hips. A little bit in the knees too :) but that might just be my age!

Which part of your body is affected?

There have lots of exercises I have done over the years - I got AS at about 17 to 19 years old - but got advice from my Dad who also had been through it. Im not young now - 48 :(

here is a brain dump!

I went to the gym (no lifting above the head), stretch and twisted constantly to keep supple. Hanging is a good stretch - I often hang whilst walking down the stairs to stretch my spine by hanging on the landing above.

Arm rotations - gently swing your arms forward or backward in a high repeatative circular motion.

Lay on your front with diagonal opposite arm leg stretches. It will keep you upright

Roll around on the ground gnelty with a towel rolled up in various places on your back.

Then there is diet change / experimentation - which I strongly also advise for anyone with an autoimmune disease.
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Date: 22.07.2014
From: Claire

Subject: Re: Newly diagnosed at 23 years old

Hi Sean

Thanks so much for your reply :) Wow, you were diagnosed at a young age!

My shoulders, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, feet, and back are affected the most. I must admit that my posture has never been great, so that doesn't help things haha!

Thank you so much for the exercise tips, will definitely give them a try, I'm sure the stretching will help a lot :)

Are you on methotrexate too? The doc said I may have to change from the pills to the injections, a bit nervous about that, but I've heard the injection has less side effects
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Date: 23.07.2014
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Newly diagnosed at 23 years old

Hi Claire

Sounds as though your arthritis is not the same as mine - if your wrists are affected then you might want to be careful with some of the exercises I have suggested - like hanging :)

Yes I was very young - but was not officially diagnosed then - it was at the time 'just' a stiff neck, sore shoulders, pains in the sternum and a seriously knotted and sore 'sticky' back in the connective tissue.

I was about 19 when I was taken to a private clinic - which my mother paid for - I think I had about 4 consultations over about 8 weeks. This treatment opened my eyes to the potential of food reactions in arthritis (it took some NHS referrals!). Although I felt the treatment had helped me - we didnt identify exact foods. I ignorned diet through my early 20's I got progressively gradually stiff backed with my rib-cage especially painful - lot of other symptoms too - but the hips being my main concern (my dad had 2 replacements). Took painkillers but no other drugs... did loads of exercise, gym, swim, squash, running.

Between 25 and 26 big downhill - enormous pain in lower back, hips, regular migraine & incredible tiredness sleeping all the time. Saw a Naturapath to revisit the food concerns from 7 years earlier - and was advised to avoid -

- Wheat, Corn, beer, guiness, lager
- Any derivative of the above, glucose syrups, high fructose corn sytrups
- Whisky
- Cows Milk

I was given supplements -

- Zinc
- Selenium
- Magnesium with Calcium
- Manganese

After 2 months it was completely clear to me that these foods had been causing me serious issues. When I snuck a guiness a few times I was inflammed and limnping for a few days!

So this was 1991 / 1992 the internet was relatively new and mostly dial-up connection - then - 1993 "wham" I could logon frm work and see that in other parts of the world there were 100's of others like me.

The first website that interested me was this one - a vet that discovered that all his pet patient were coming in with different ilnesses - but then found out that the petfood companies had changed the filler food from wheat to corn and included soy products! He then transformed his own health and started sharing his story with the world.

I have read 100's more since 1993 - and try to reconcile to proper medical science and studies to assist my creditability - because doctors will just tell you to have a healthy diet without the full picture.

So a long-winded way of saying I am not on Methotrexate. At times over the last 22 years it is like I dont have any arthritis - but I am not 100% cured. I would say 75% better on average and can now always pull myself out of a flare within 2 to 3 days with a restricted low carb diet and probiotics.
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