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Date: 29.03.2014
From: FionaW

Subject: Hip replacement and hypermobility syndrome - I'm worrying...

Is there anyone here who has hypermobility syndrome (HMS), and who has had a hip replacement? I have HMS, which means that (among other things) my joints are unstable - though as my arthritis has got worse, I have stiffened up and I am much less bendy than I used to be.

I am worrying that my hip replacement may not work well because my ligaments don't do their job properly, and I'm worrying about other problems like whether/how I'll be able to use sticks/crutches with unstable joints... So if anyone can offer me reassurance, that would be much appreciated. Also, if anyone can offer any practical advice for recovery, and especially if you have experience of dealing with a hip replacement with HMS, I'd be very grateful.
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Date: 31.03.2014
From: FionaW

Subject: Re: Hip replacement and hypermobility syndrome - I'm worrying...

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Date: 31.03.2014
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Hip replacement and hypermobility syndrome - I'm worrying...

Hi Fiona, sorry that you have not had any replies. Maybe there isn't any one that has had the same problem as you.
I would have thought that your surgeon would have been the person to have a good old chat with. I am sure the hip replacement would be a great success. It is very worrying for us the thought of surgery and is natural you will be concerned.

Speak with your Gp or surgeon or rheumy team I am sure they will answer any worries you have.
Take care and I wish you luck. XX
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Date: 31.03.2014
From: FionaW

Subject: Re: Hip replacement and hypermobility syndrome - I'm worrying...

Thanks for your reply Marlene. :) I was sure there'd be some other people here with hypermobility syndrome, since it's a common cause of early onset arthritis... But maybe you're right...

There's not much time for conversation with consultants in the NHS, IME. My rheumy discharged me to the care of the orthopaedic surgeon and told me to get myself re-referred after my hip replacement if I needed to. I spoke to the OS for between 5 and 10 minutes, and won't see him again til the day I have surgery.

I could talk to my GP, but he's not a specialist, and since I changed GPs recently, I've only ever seen him twice... I think people here - if there are any - are likely to be more knowledgable!
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Date: 25.04.2014
From: Lisa

Subject: Re: Hip replacement and hypermobility syndrome - I'm worrying...

My daughter is 24 and is in desperate need of hip replacement. We just seen an orthopedic surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic and were informed that because she has hypermobility the risk of complications are high. The tissue around the joints are very loose which can cause the hip to come out of socket. She is in constant pain now and we are not sure if we should take the chance and get it done or does she live with the pain and continue to be able to walk,although she has a severe limp. I am worried sick!
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Date: 11.06.2014
From: Patricia Whitmarsh

Subject: Re: Hip replacement and hypermobility syndrome - I'm worrying...

I also have hypermobility syndrome and a severe right hip problem (plus ME which has weakened my muscles, so little support there!) I am reaching the stage where the hip is becoming very, very difficult to live with. I have already been told to avoid an operation from my hypermobility/osteo knee problem. It sounds as though a hip replacement may present the same problems as a knee operation. But meanwhile I am also looking for anyone who has HMS and has had a hip replacement. If so where and when?

Altrernatively how have others in the same position managed the hip problem?? I welcome any info/tips.
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