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Date: 20.03.2014
From: Sandy

Subject: what is fibromyalgia ?

went to see my rheumy today,to cut a long story short - he told me that I have severe RA which I already knew .... but now he tells me that he is certain that I have fibromyalgia as well.I am struggling massively at the moment ... I came home and googled fibro (not what you should do I know ! ) my problem is that an awful lot of sites say that its just an umbrella term ... and some say its neurological does my rheumy think this horrendous pain is all in my head ?? ... I thought R A gave me all the symptoms .. so why is he giving it another label as well ? soooo confused !!
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Date: 27.03.2014
From: Willis

Subject: Re: what is fibromyalgia ?

Hi Sandy
I know two people with fibro and both have different aches n pains in various parts of body. One is female other is male. Lady had baby was very ill afterwards for long time before fibro was final diagnosed a year later.
Male - they took his appendix out at 16, dealt with hernias every other year after that, he has chronic stomach pain constantly and one leg is always sore. He was diagnosed after 14 years but only after chronic stomach pain - they are saying with him initially it was the nerves - hence neurological - pain signals to head etc - hence rheumy saying this - no they do not think its in your head as in you are making it up , it's very difficult for them to treat at times and it is a horrid thing for you to be dealing with.
Like all acute/chronic illnesses you will have good days n bad days and I hope you find something that helps you cope with it.
The lady I mention , I worked with her mum and she sends me links to 'Princess in the tower' on Facebook, they have some good things on there too. Advice from other sufferers,

Perhaps symptoms you are displaying show classic RA but others reflect Fibro hence you having both
I hope you get help soon
Sorry for rambling on, lots of hugs to you
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Date: 27.03.2014
From: sleepydanielle

Subject: Re: what is fibromyalgia ?

When i was told i had fibromyalgia my rheumy said it was because my symptoms werent accurate enough to be anything else. He said it was the term they give for unexplained joint pain/other pain. Think there are certain tender points on the body that you have to feel pain in to be fibromyalgia.
Very confusing if he says you have RA aswell as this doesnt make sense because the pain points of fibromyalgia are likely that of RA too. How can they possibly know the fibro pain isnt just the arthritis pain :s
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