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Date: 06.09.2013
From: Kat

Subject: What do you think my symtoms could be???

Hi been back to GP, who couldn't really help much more, told me to make appointment with rheumy again (the same one that treated me as a time waster, and dismissed my symptoms!!). Anyway as I cannot afford private care I have no option but to see him, I am taking my aunt with me this time and I've been taking photos of my swollen red joints, I'll also write list of symptoms, be fully prepared. Symptoms are- red burning joints symmetrical, they can swell, waking up stiff (that is the worst!!) feeling like I'm walking through treacle!!, tiredness, hands, wrists, knees and ankles affected. All help will be gratefully received once again, I'm so glad I found this forum.
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Date: 06.09.2013
From: Eve

Subject: Re: What do you think my symtoms could be???

Aww hon, no-one can diagnose you on an internet forum and I don't think it would be helpful for people to guess. Diagnosis can take time, I know it did for me with a number of conditions.

What tests have you had done? Have you got raised inflammatory markers or anything like that? Have you had blood tests for things like rhumatoid factor or other similar conditions? Did they do any scans like x-rays or ultrasounds?

Maybe in the nmeantime just keep a log of what symptoms you get when, keep taking photos, if possible get someone to see you when you are bad, especially with visible symptoms like swelling. Keep a noe of anything you think might aggravate or improve things.

How about working on ways to improve things for you in the meantime. Have you been taking any medication for your symptoms and had any success with them? Things like painkillers, anti-inflammatories etc..., either over the counter or prescribed?

It is horrible when you are suffering without any diagnosis or help and it can seem a bit all-consuming but I find sometimes that making a list of all the issues can help. Prioritise them in order of severity or impact on you and then go through them, think if there is anything you can do to help them. Some might not have any obvious solution but you may find breaking it down helps a bit. Your GP may be able to help with specific aspects too alongside looking at things as a whole.
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Date: 06.09.2013
From: kat

Subject: Re: What do you think my symtoms could be???

Sorry forgot to put had bloods, scan, xrays but was told not rheumatoid, but oesteo, then went back this week and told it might be another type that is less easy to diagnose! Sorry didn't put that got a bit carried away!! Taking naproxen and co-codamol.
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Date: 07.09.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: What do you think my symtoms could be???

Hi Kat, you do have the right to change hospitals for a second opinion if you are not happy with the consultant.
But I must say it can be a long haul getting the right diagnoses. You are doing the right thing writing everything down as I used to walk out and realise I had left so much out that I should of mentioned. Your Aunt going with you for support is a lovely idea.
I have OA and it took me two years for correct diagnoses.
Don't let them get you down and you are not a time waster. Chin up you will get there in the end. XXXX
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