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Date: 25.04.2013
From: Mark

Subject: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

After 5 years of chronic pain, contributed to Neuropathic pain syndrome, I have just been diagnosed as having PA.
Strangely it appears that most of the joints on the Left hand side of my body, along with my spine and dictalysis. The exhaustion is the worst part I have found and is giving me the most difficulty with life.
I am 28 and just about managing to work 30 hours a week as a support worker. Essentially been told to give up work, retrain in something simple and work part time for the rest of my life.
Would like some better options about coping with work, life and the future.
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Date: 25.04.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

Hi Mark, sorry you have found your self with PA at a young age. I have OA and I also suffer with constant tiredness and most of the people on the forum can relate to this. The trouble with pain is that even when sleeping the quality of sleep is quite poor.
You have to learn to pace your self and this does take time to learn. When you work it is difficult as you can't rest when you need to.Mark I can only say that you will know when it is time to leave work for your own health.
It may be that a less stressful job could be the answer but you have to decide.
You will learn to deal with your situation as time goes on it is a lot to take in.
You future will be good there are many good drugs out there and I am sure the guys on the forun with PA will have lots of good advice for you.

Chin up and take care X
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Date: 25.04.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

Hi Mark, sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You don't say anything about your treatment but the drugs are very good these days and do help the fatigue I think. If you go to Arthritis Research and Arthritis Care they both have quite lot of info about living with various conditions. YOu might find some of it useful.
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Date: 26.04.2013
From: Meggie

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

Hi Mark Sorry to hear you have PA but at least now you have a diagnosis and you can get on fantastic sites like this one, People on here are great and can give you much more insight and support. As above you didn't mention any medication, I would def recomend that you don't give up work until your really sure. The meds at the moment are not a cure but will slow things down and poss stop then.
I got my PA diagnosis in Nov 2012 after years of symptoms and I take Methotrexate, naproxen & folic acid. Still early days but I try to keep optamistic lol. I am still working at the moment (desk job), but as I used to be a support worker Im sure you will be finding it particularly exhausting. My daughter swims so I spend a lot of time on pool side, I find the heat helps me, also nice to have a very gentle swim it really helps just getting the weight off my joints but does need to be a warm pool:-)Its the best way for me to relax.
Keep intouch best wishes Meggie
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Date: 30.04.2013
From: rich

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

My is rich l live in the U.S.A. Look at Robbie story .I did his diet and it worked after 10 days Ben cured for 6 months.l had Psoriatic arthritis. Good Luck.
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Date: 30.04.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

Hi Mark, sorry you have PA. Mark be careful about diets and the like. You should always check with your Rhumy Team. As for a cure I am not sure that a diet alone would cure you. There are no cures at this time but there is a whole lot of help out there. Keep your chin and take care. Best wishes
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Date: 15.05.2013
From: Mark

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

I have finally been told I am being put Sulfasalazine, already started on Naproxen, Paracetamol and have been on Gabapentin for a long time for Nerve pain.
I would like to get active again as soon as I can but have major issues with my left arm (shoulder and wrist) and Metatarsals on both feet, just a nice long waiting list for physio.
Any thoughts on Sulfasalazine?
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Date: 15.05.2013
From: Rachel

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

I too finally got a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis in April and began sulfasalazine. It made me vomit and feel wretched. However after finally reaching and tolerating the full dose I had to stop it last week due to liver toxicity with absolutely dreadful symptoms. After 8 wks off work originally due to my R/elbow along with tendonitis I have returned this week with a phased return. I still have constant pain there and in my spine and flare ups in my hands, feet, knees etc. I'm really depressed. I'm 43, a single parent working in a stressful job (NHS podiatrist) 4 days a week. The future feels bleak. Naproxen alone does nothing. I'm waiting for a normal blood test result and to see the rheumatologist who mentioned retrying sulfasalazine (is she trying to kill me?!) I need reassurance like you Mark that everything CAN/WILL be ok!
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Date: 15.05.2013
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

Hi Mark,

I have R/A and i have been on sulphasalazine for 12 years without any problems. I also take other drugs like methetroxate and hydroxychloroquine and a biologic drug called rituximab. I managed on sulphasalazine alone for about 4 years before adding the others. I hope it helps you and you have no problems with it. Good luck.
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Date: 17.05.2013
From: Christine

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

Hi all, I was diagnosed in April 2012 with PA aged 36, I had P in my teens and back problems from early 20's. Doctors always told me to lose weight! I lost alot of weight when I was 30 but this did nothing for my pain. Saw an ortho doc for my back, had various injections and pain relief, the injections offered very little relief and I reacted badly to alot of the pain medication. My finger began to swell and became extremely painful but my doctor didnt agree that it was swollen, fat fingers! Eventually referred to rheumy who diagnosed PA. Started on Methotrexate and Folic Acid which I am still on now, and only over the counter pain killers (which do nothing for my pain). The methotraxate makes me feel awful, but I generally go to bed not long after taking them. At my last visit my rheumy suggested moving onto sulfasalazine but wanted to try some physio first. My areas affected now, 1 year on, are lower back, shoulder, neck, hip, knees, ankles, toes, feet, achilles, wrists and fingers. My left side is the worst. I go back to see my rheumy at the end of June and am hoping they offer me some other pain relief.
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Date: 17.05.2013
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

I hope you get something to help Christine. There any many new drugs now that can make a huge difference so stay positive. x
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Date: 18.05.2013
From: Lynn

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

Hi mark sorry to hear about your diagnosis I'm 36 diagnosed 3 years ago with psoriatic arthritis and fibro it's a horrible disease and as you say the tiredness is bad I had to give up work after a year n half and have been very unlucky with meds etc fingers crossed you will get the correct mixture if drugs to slow disease down
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Date: 26.05.2013
From: Tammy

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

Hi mark, sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I'm 29 and just got diagnosed too, about 10 weeks ago, had symptoms for around 7 years but a lot was out down to posture from the doctor, my jobs quite physical and I'm on my feet a lot so I just assumed he was right until it got so bad I would crawl to the bathroom in the several X-rays and steroid injections later and then a visit to a Rheumy I got my diagnosis. Been on methotrexate 9 weeks now, fortunately no bad side effects as yet, having a few more "good days" so fingers crossed. Hopefully you get some treatment and pain relief soon! :-)
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Date: 26.05.2013
From: Mike

Subject: Re: Finally diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis

Hi Mark, I am also 28 and wad diagnosed with PA last February.
I was put on sulfasalazine first but had a bad reaction eith photosensitivity.
Was then put on methotrexate which seemed to work well for a few months but had to stop as it was making my liver enzymes very high. However some people get on very well with these drugs.
At my next appointment we are discussing trying biologics.

I know what you mean about wanting to be active again, I have had to give up football and also gave up working in the building trade as I could no longer do it.
Luckily I have now got a new job it is part time but I don't think I could do more thsn 20 hours s week. I get so exhaused.

All the best I hope sulfasalazine works for you.
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