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Date: 03.04.2013
From: Jacob

Subject: Designing arthritis friendly secateurs / pruners! Input appreciated

I am a university design student who has been set the task of designing a pair of ergonomic secateurs (pruning shears). I thought what better opportunity to cater to those suffering from all types of Arthritis!

My own knowledge of Arthritis is limited, so I have some questions for anyone who suffers, and any form of input is much appreciated ;)

1. What are your issues with arthritis that affect your hands?

2. Do current secateur designs stop you from using them?

3. If so, is this because:
A. The handle diameter is too big
B. the handle diameter is too small
C. The handles require too great range of motion D. The handles require too much pressure

4. What kind of secateurs do you use most often? A. Cheap
B. Ergonomically designed
C. Old
D. Rolling handle
E. Expensive
F. Comfortable
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Date: 03.04.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Designing arthritis friendly secateurs / pruners! Input appreciated

Hi Jacob

I've got a lot to say about secateurs as own several pairs. Most of them quite difficult to use.

I have problems with my wrists, some fingers and my thumb on my right hand. Many secateurs require too much pressure from the thumb and wrist to use. Sometimes the handle is either too big or too small. Some, like Felco, require you to be able to move your hand around which is painful. Rachet secateurs require too much pressure though you get a better cut on some things.

I mostly use small secateurs and use an ergonomic design. I also use electric pruning shears quite often instead. Though they are quite heavy and unwieldy to hold and they still cause pain.

i hate a rolling handle. Good quality smallish blades help but comfort is the main thing so i like ones that are snug in my hand and almost like part of my hand so i'm not noticing i am using them. I would be more than happy to be a guinea pig if you want someone to try them out.

I don't buy expensive secateurs as lost them too often in the garden!
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