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Date: 27.03.2013
From: Kelle

Subject: Humira

Hello everyone I'm completely new to all this.. Was wondering if anyone has started Humira as I'm meant to have started 4months ago but am petrified so the injections are stil sitting in my fridge. I have RA and have had it 10yrs nw but don't seem to get much pain only joint damage and deformity.
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Date: 27.03.2013
From: Suz

Subject: Re: Humira

Hi Kelle

I Havent tried Humira my consultant did not recommend it for other issues. I have R.A and had it for nearly 16 yrs now and only just started taking some medication like MTX, and recently a Biologic. Like you I do have a lot of joint damage and deformity.

How did you manage all these years without drugs?

Hope you dont mind me asking but just thought I found something in common with you.
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Date: 27.03.2013
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Humira

hi Kelle , should be starting new bio myself in next month (Golimumab) or so , was on Mtx injections but could not do it myself but the bio are pen types & dont have any problems with those injections

they can make so much differance to those of us with RA , you realy must try it or get someone else to do the injections if you fell you cant do them yourself
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Date: 27.03.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Humira

Hi Kelle, are you petrified of the drug or of doing the injections? If it is the latter, you get used to it very quickly and you can always ask your practice nurse to do the first few with you as I did. I think I went for about 6 weeks before I did it entirely on my own.

If it's the drug you are worried about, maybe you could have a discussion with your rheumy nurse or even try NRAS helpline, they are very, very good.

I've been on biologics for about two years. I currently take Enbrel and it works well. I take it to prevent damage to joints.
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Date: 03.04.2013
From: Jo

Subject: Re: Humira

Hi kelle I have been on humira injections for approx. three years I cant bear to inject myself my husband does it fortnightly for me.The MAIN benefit is it does stop the deformity to your joints and any further damage down side suppresses my immune greatly and I tend to pick any germs up.I still would recommend it be brave and give it a try good luck.
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Date: 04.04.2013
From: willis

Subject: Re: Humira

Hi Kelle
I've been on Humira since November as the methotrexate on it's own wasn't helping
Like Jo, my husband does it for me as I cant do it. The nurse told me that she'd come do it if he or I couldn't.
I really think you should maybe even take it to practice nurse to do for you - it may just help you before you get any worse. I am and never will be back to 'me' as I was before RA took hold of me but i'm definately feeling much better since starting the Humira.
Do go get help to get the injection started. If you dont try it you wont'know if it's the drug for you to try give you even 5% relief from this horrid RA
let us know how you get on
big gentle hugs xxxx
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Date: 05.04.2013
From: Deborah

Subject: Re: Humira

Hi Kelle,
I don't like injection's in fact I hate them,I did them in my thigh's when I was taking methrodrexate injection's and just found that my thighs were alway's so painful.
I found every time I tried to inject myself my hand kept pulling back and it maybe took me ten attempt's before I was successful.
Now I have been on a bio-logic called Golumamab and these are injection's but they are the little pen and I find if I get my husband to do them in my arm's I have no problem as I don't know when it is going to go in.
If you were to start the injection's it would save your joint's from getting any worse.
Good luck with starting them if you decide to and let us know how you get on.
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