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Date: 12.10.2012
From: Kevin Doudie

Subject: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

As part of my dissertation project at uni I am looking at the empathetic and psychological effects of arthritic aids used in ever day life. how do they make you feel? happy? sad?
do they effect your mood? do they help you on a physical and mental level?

I know these sorts of questions can be a touchy sunject but this research will help in form a project which aims to design and manufacture arthritic aids that satisfy the user on more that just a physical level.

any feedback at all would be great !

Kevin Doudie
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Date: 12.10.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

My OT sent me some key turners. Despite the fact they didn't work with most of my keys - they were dead ugly and HUGE. How could you go out without a sack to put them in? ( Btw - there was nothing else on the market that fitted my Assa keys if you are still looking for design projects.) I was embarrassed to use it. In fact, it was so badly designed I couldn't actually open it with my hands to put my keys on and had to get a friend to do it. I'm not that old but it made me feel ancient and also furtive as I would hide it away when anyone was around lol!

I've got an ergonomic knife, again supplied by OT. It has a cheap, grey plastic handle. Makes me feel as if I live in a hostel or something.

However, I have a gadget for turning on the garden tap. I always feel quite pleased to have found it because its form works well with the function and doesn't look institutional -my big bugbear.

Also have some ergonomically designed gardening tools which look good too. They were presents and again, I feel happy to have them. They are well designed and in a nice green. Anyone would use them and find them good.They help me do what I want to do and represent independence.

These are things should be able help anyone do things easier or better without standing out as an object solely for people with disabilities or difficulties.

Mostly I have mixed feelings about all these things. Some make my life easier, some don't. Mostly they are ugly and I don't want them in my home as they signal illness and disability.
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Date: 13.10.2012
From: Linda

Subject: Re: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

I have a raised toilet seat which i need. But i absolutely hate it. I always remove it when visitors come. It's also hard to clean.

Other things like taps that you push up and down are stylish and brilliant, but like bsk, i don't want my home to have obvious signs of disability.
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Date: 13.10.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

Hi Kevin,

I fully agree with Linda. I also have a raised toilet seat and remove it when visitors are coming. I just wish there were different heights of toilet pans to choose from. I think the standard height is something like 18" and that is no use when you have a mobiity problem.
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Date: 13.10.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

I have just been checking online and discovered that you can buy high toilet pans. I have never seen them in any bathroom showrooms though. I would buy one if i thought it didn't look too clinical and would fit in with the rest of the bathroom. I would like to be able to go to a showroom or B&Q and see things like this included in their range of bathrooms then could decide if it would suit.
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Date: 13.10.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

Rhona, my mum had one put in. I use it all the time when I go to see my father and don't even remember it is raised. Really doesn't stand out at all.
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Date: 13.10.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

That's good to know bsk, i will have a think about getting one, thanks.
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Date: 13.10.2012
From: Veronica

Subject: Re: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

Just starting out on this road. Also have FM (amongst other things) which has its problems and I've been buying 'bits' from time to time to help me. Low toilet seat is becoming a problem and I had been wondering what I around which is not too obvious when friends stay. Just getting used to walking stick (and the stares!). The pains are getting worse. Any tips on useful aids would be welcome. (I live in Belgium so Internet shop). Feel sad that it is coming to this but maybe this will pass given time?
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Date: 14.10.2012
From: Linda

Subject: Re: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

My daughter has a high toilet pan in her downstairs toilet. It was installed by a builder who did alterations to her house. It seems to be attached to the wall behind a cupboard rather than the floor. I wondered if he made a mistake as my daughter and her family don't need a high toilet. Handy for me though.

Veronica, sometimes a strategically placed bar near the toilet can help.
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Date: 31.10.2012
From: Kevin Doudie

Subject: Re: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

all these answers so far are brilliant and will really help me with my dissertation.

Im really trying to understand how these objects make people feel in their every day life. With this information I hope to have a greater understanding of this and apply it to new designs and create objects that fulfil the user.
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Date: 05.11.2012
From: Emm

Subject: Re: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

I agree that a lot of helpful products look institutional.
I bought a long handled hairbrush, which does a good job, but looks SO NOTwhat you buy if there was a choice.
It's time designers took looks and style into consideration.
A lot of young people's have arthritis and don't want to look different to their counterparts!
We disabled have to spend a lot of money on things to make life easier.
Choice would be good.
Yes, it does a have a psychological affect on us, when things we use for neccessity make us feel different.
I am going to need some 'special' shoes soon, but have you seen them, surely this is a big market, and deserves more thought and intuition.
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Date: 20.11.2012
From: margaret

Subject: Re: HELP!! Effects of using arthritic aids in everyday life

I used to have a high chair which the occupational therapists gave me it looked awful but was fantastic,they have now taken it away and sitting in an easy chair is so hard and uncomfortable. I asked them to take it away because it was so ugly and clinical and made me feel like an invalid which i am definately not pride is a terrible thing!!!!
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