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Date: 07.10.2012
From: Kim

Subject: getting a job- what was I thinking!

Hi all
In a momnet of madness and desperation I recently applied for a job as a part time teaching assistant. I got offered an interview but today reality set in and I realised that there is no way I could get up and down off the floor or even sit in one of those little chairs. Let alone try and do playground duty etc. I think I must have applied on the day I took extra steroids! I feel so bad for letting people down and I still find it hard even after having ra for 10 years to accept my pain and limitations.
At least I guess I didnt actually start the job and will have to be more realistic about what I can do. Im going to bide my time and try to get a job working from home. If anybody knows of any such jobs could they let me know.
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Date: 07.10.2012
From: Deborah

Subject: Re: getting a job- what was I thinking!

Hi Kim,
Yes I know what you mean, I know of a great job that is going and I know the person who need's extra help and I know if I asked I would get it and was seriously considering it but I know that I cannot physically do it so just had to get it out of my head.

I think this is the hardest part of any of these illness's is to accept the fact that we have to make so many change's to our live's, and yes sometime's even after all this time I still think I maybe could do thing's and then am speedially reminded that I cannot.

I feel personally that I want to be part of society and try to give something back, I feel that all the time and sometime's now with peer pressure I feel it even more.
So yes totally understand what you mean and you are right at least you did not go any further.
And good luck with finding something that is suitable for you and your form of arthritis.
Take care Deborah.
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