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Date: 20.09.2012
From: Lyn

Subject: Feeling more ill on methotrexate

Hi I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with Psoriatic arthritis by Rheumatologist after going backwards to the doctors since December. I have had Psoriasis on my scalp (mildly)since I was a teenager and I have had a bad back for about 20 years, and just muddled along taking tons of pain killers. In December I suddenly started having more intense pain in my back, then in my hands, feet, knees and I also have it in my shoulders and one elbow, my hands and feet are very swollen and my shoulders restrict my movement and the pain in my back is eating me away all the time. The psoriasis on my scalp is awful too at the moment. Im so tired and miserable so the relief of getting a diagnosis was immense. I started methotrexate the day after and to date I have had 2 treatments but it makes me feel very unwell, do any of you know if that gets less as the time goes on? I have also a fentanyl patch on for the pain. I would very much love to hear from any of you and hear how you are coping on the drugs thanks x
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Date: 20.09.2012
From: Lynnr

Subject: Re: Feeling more ill on methotrexate

Hi lyn
Sorry to hear your struggling with the pain I have been on mxt 3 times and as you say it makes you feel rubbish I would say the sicknessetc should pass as you get used to the drug I would suggest taking the dose at night and maybe trying to rest the following day, I have been stopped because of the problems it causes with my bloods but must admit it is not my favourite drug anyway although some people get great results from it.
I should have said I also have psoriatic arthritis and fibro and also was prescribed the fentynal patch I take tramadol also so taking them all together made me really sick and spaced out so I got maxi tram a slow release form of ramadol and I also take ordinary tramadol In between and have since been taking on top of the tramadol and humira anti TNF and these have worked great.
I have had the disease over 2 years and my meds are still not working perfect it really is trial and error and can take a lot of time so I would really try sticking with the methotrexate I know it's not great but hopefully it will reduce immflamation and take some of the pain away.

Sorry to ramble on but if you have any other questions feel free to ask.

Take care
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Date: 20.09.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Feeling more ill on methotrexate

Hi Lyn, I agree with Lynnr's post entirely. I was on it for 9 months and it did make me feel awful but I know some people who take quite high doses and have practically no side effects. I believe it is supposed to get easier after a while. Also, there seemed to be quite a bit of debate as whether to take it with food, at night (so you sleep through worst of side effects). Also, do you take folic acid? That is supposed to help with side effects. I used to take it for five days but not the day of the dose or the day after. Again, this seems to vary with different doctors.
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Date: 20.09.2012
From: Two hip replacements and still going!

Subject: Re: Feeling more ill on methotrexate

When my rheumatologist put me back on mtx they said I could take folic acid every day except the day I take mtx. When I was on it the first time it used to make me feel awful. This time I have been ok (12 years later). I used both tramadol and fentanyl when I was waiting for my first hip replacement. The tramadol made me really sick, I was on it a month and lost a couple of stone from vomiting and nausea. The fentanyl didn't make me sick but occasionally I couldn't sleep and it made me fidgety. I would try and stick the mtx if you can it may get better the longer you take it, if not you need to go back to your doctor so they can try something else. I was put on Leflunomide when they took me off the mtx (or rather when they realised I had stopped taking it because I couldnāt look at the bottle without wanting to be sick!). Good luck. Ruth
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Date: 25.09.2012
From: Carleen

Subject: Re: Feeling more ill on methotrexate

Hi Lyn,
I was on the Mtx tablets for Psa and felt awful, I was then put on the injections (which I administer) and they are so much better. I feel ill just after my jab, so I do it at night before bed and then the next day I am very tired. But besides that, I feel so much better. I have now been on the injections for almost 2 years. I couldn't take folic acid (caused mouth ulcers)so I have calcium folinate once a week for the Mtx.
Hope it helps!
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