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Date: 18.07.2012
From: Clai

Subject: Advice on exercise

How do you cope with keeping up a fit, active lifestyle even though you have arthritis in your legs or hips, or anywhere else that affects your mobility? My parter was diagnosed with arthritis in his hip this week, we thought it was going to get better and now it looks like it is here to stay. He is overweight already having put up with the pain for over a year now. The government is banging on about how everyone needs to regularly walk, cycle and run their way to fitness to avoid diabetes and heart attack/strokes (and he is already genetically prone to all of these). He says he is going to use the cross-trainer even though it is going to be agony, but I think that might make it worse! What advice do you have?
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Date: 18.07.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Advice on exercise

Hi Clai, I take it from your post that your husband has OA, I do feel for him as I am in a very similar situation.
I have had oa for many years and the weight has crept on and when I gave up smoking the weight crept on a bit more.
I have tried many diets but unfortunately I have not kept it up shame on me. I gave up smoking so I do have will power but it takes so long without being able to excercise. I have a holiday b ooked for the winter so I am going to give it another go.
Gentle excercise is the best, swimming is good but be carfeful the cold water doesn't upset the arthritis, there is always asomething to be mindful of.
Walking is good but of course can be very painful.A cross trainer should be used with caution as you say this could make his pain a lot worse.
Does your hubby have good pain meds? This could help him be more mobile if the edge is taken off the pain.
Can I be so bold as to ask how old your hubby is. I'm 61yrs.
Has your GP given any advice as to diet excercise?
This arthur has a lot to answer for. I find this weather doesn't help my pain is constant and my mood is not that great either. You sound a lovely Lady and I am sure you will support him with what ever he decides to do.
Take Care both of you chin up and most of all keep smiling.
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Date: 18.07.2012
From: Linda

Subject: Re: Advice on exercise

Swimming definately, as marlene says. Whenever i've been swimming, i always feel so much better afterwards, and my joints are less painful.
I myself need weight bearing exercise to strengthen my bones as i have ostopenia, i'm taking prednisolone. I'm thinking of joining a Tai chi class.
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Date: 18.07.2012
From: chris

Subject: Re: Advice on exercise

Stretching(exercising) muscles is important for me, i find that my muscles tense up around areas of pain - which can cause further problems.
Can either use exercise or massage.
It's amazing how much exercise can be done laying down/standing still!
Tai chi and chi gung have lots of good techniques, that seem to be similar to what you'll get from osteopaths/phsio's.

Best of luck,
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Date: 18.07.2012
From: Clai

Subject: Re: Advice on exercise

Thanks for your support! My partner has OA, he's 52 but I'm a lot younger and we have both led active lifestyles in the past so its very frustrating now. Swimming is a great idea because thats something we can do together. He hasn't been to his GP since the diagnosis because we were told it was an inflamed tendon right up until he went to the hospital to get it fixed and thats where they told him it was OA. Its been a bit of a shock because we had been planning some hiking and cycling holidays and are now having to re-think our lives around the OA. I have never thought about Tai Chi, i'll look into it. He doesn't like taking pain killers, he's had diclofenics before but generally sticks to off the shelf paracetamol style pills. He says they don't really work. he's tried over the counter cocodamol but says they don't work either.
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Date: 22.07.2012
From: gillian

Subject: Re: Advice on exercise

Hi.clai I got told to exercise,I have arthritis,(in places you don't want to know).I find it hard going for the most because of the pain, people think that I am super fit,but they can't see the bones from outside.and I ride a bike.I find there's good days and bad. swimming is the best for arthritis, as long as you remember to the sunday driver is best to go slow on the water front.I have co-dydromol on perscription from the doctor,they do help other than the damp weather and the bad days...get a walking stick, you can pick one up cheap from any charity shop,but they do have a fast turnover on them, so you will have to be patient on that score. and please note to others who have beem on about swimming in your area's,everywhere charges for swimming and it can cost from £1.50 upwards depending where you live. not to generous in some area's. and do checkout the red cross, they may be able to help, and don't be surprised at a hire charge with they. and they be able to give you any other advice to rent or buy,and these things can be expensive if you are on a very low income and finaly (thank god I hear you say). this warm weather may be of some help for a few of us,and not for others....anyway all the best to you and all take, you can only give it your best shot... gill
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Date: 23.07.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Advice on exercise

Hi Clai, yes it does take the wind out of your sales when you are told OA or any other type of Arthritis.
Sadly you do have to rethink life style.I would suggest going and talking to his GP about pain meds. Over the counter pain killers are not much use for OA.
I try to concentrate on what I can do rather than what I can't do. I find this more helpful mentally.Life changes from day to day year to year so I think this is just another challenge I will overcome and mostly I do.
Good Luck and Take Care!!!!
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