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Date: 07.07.2012
From: willis

Subject: strange days

hi all
just having a break from cleaning out wardrobe!!! long overdue so thought i'd come on for a rumble - sorry ;)
well been on methotrexate tabs for year, condition got worse and a few flares so they tired sulfulfzine - 4 days then stopped cause side effects. so they say a blood result is higher than usual (last check) and did DAZ check - this is all for the TNI or tFI whatever the abbrevation is, so now on methtxt injections - no side effects after 5 weeks which is good but not working really as still in pain and feel that constant frown on my face.
went private for acupunture and she did cupping too. well the cupping and pins have helped as haven't been as weary and sluggish but feel the pain more acutely now - but not in a bad way, i notice the pain is there in specific areas now not just whole body so finding it a little easier to cope with however, am going to have the arguement if needs be for the TNI meds as still having to take the pain killers daily and not liking having to do that. I actually managed 2 full days back at work along with 3 part days which is good as not done full days for months and months :) did long walk at Kew gardens and not suffering too much because of it buut feel the weariness creeping in today lol
so after wardrobe done maybe just a wee rest this afternoon.
so it's strange days because the pain is still there, i can feel Arthur creeping through my body but am just pretending he's not there and getting on with what needs to be done and to hell with him.
for previous comments on our outlook on life and our childhoods etc well i've always been a glass half empty but nowadays the fight i have everyday, my glass is half full - even on a bad day. so in my opinion i just repeat what i said -it's not what happens to you - it's how you deal with it. my glass may be half empty mostly in life and boy have there been knocks (like everyone) but am strong person and i'll be stuffed if this arthur is going to keep getting me down. sorry for rambling just needed to get it off my chest. and to you all (marlene, bsk, yasmin and many others whose names i've not mentioned) thanks for your continued support and advice cause on glass half empty day you've kept me going.
keep well, have a good weekend guys xxxx
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Date: 08.07.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: strange days

Hi Willis, Just read your post, glad we all help you, some days just reading the posts give me a lift. I don't post much when I am in pain as I tend to withdraw a bit. I like to be left alone I hate been fussed around I don't know why.
I am glad you feel your glass is half full, that is exactly what I say because it is true. Yep life certainly can chuck some rubbish at you. I always say oh well chuck it all my way at least someone else is getting left alone.
Willis you always come across as a strong person and I think that is why you cope so well.
Ramble away at least we are rambling to-gether.
I have been in pain for weeks and weeks and have been in talks with GP where to go next. I have been trying different stuff but nothing seems to help and the pain killers I hate taking are getting less effective. Hey Ho this Arthur is not going to beat me I did my ironing to-day and now i'm in bed wrist and shoulder throbbing, but I had the last laugh ironing all done.
Kew gardens is one of my favourite places, It takes me back to my childhood, we always took a big picnic and stayed the whole day. It is much more expensive than the penny fee my Mum and Dad paid in those days.
Willis take care and keep smiling hugs on its way xx
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