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Date: 30.06.2012
From: Michael

Subject: Playing the piano with arthritis?

Hi there!

I am 20 years old with ankylosing spondylitis. I have had it for 4-5 years now and although it is primarily prominent in my back, many joints are affected by arthritis, including my hands.

My DREAM is to be a professional music producer and I hold on to this dream everyday of my life. I want to be able to make music for the rest of my life and I believe music has saved my life. Am I able to continue pursuing this dream with arthritis in my hands? I need to be able to play the keyboard/piano. What can I do to reduce inflammation in my hands, strengthen them and increase flexibility?

I need to hold onto this dream otherwise I have nothing left. Is it possible to become a professional music producer with this issue? Will my hands deteriorate over time with Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Thanks for any advice, I truly appreciate it
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Date: 30.06.2012
From: Christel

Subject: Re: Playing the piano with arthritis?

Hi, I don't fully understand all the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis and how it is affecting you personally but I can relate to arthritis which affects the fingers and hands in particular. I have suspected PA and I have a flare up at the moment affecting most joints and especially my left hand. I teach piano so this is like you a great concern for me for the future. The advice I was given from physiotherapy regarding playing the piano was not to overdo it! That's kind of wide open as it depends how much practise or performing you normally do in a day. The exercise from playing has to be a good thing to keep movement and flexibility in the finger joints but it would be important to stop playing before pain and strain sets in as that would be more damaging. At the moment I have cut down the time I perform as I really don't want to aggravate the situation and I am generally coping well with this. When things flare up I take it much easier and play for less time.
It's really not possible for most people on any forum to answer your question satisfactorily unless qualified to do so. You really need to get expert advice, however in my situation I go from day to day and play and enjoy for as long as it is comfortable. Hold on to your dream and take each day as it comes. Hopefully your consultant will be able to advise you. Do you attend physiotherapy? I wish you the very best and do hope you will be able to continue performing and producing and living your dream.x
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Date: 03.06.2013
From: Ron Mudie

Subject: Re: Playing the piano with arthritis?

Hi Michael,
I know only too well how bad you feel as what you have is painful indeed as my sister suffered the same, with the arthritis invading her joints starting with her spine. I witnessed every year of her life in pain but because she was told the true facts of the disease it gave her the determination to beat the disease. She did have several operations on her joints, firstly her spine and then the others.

Sadly the operations did not make too much of a difference, even wearing a spinal corset. She then decided to turn to pain-killing medication, dihydrocodeine and tramadol etc. and once she conquered the pain, then, she did begin to enjoy herself. I witnessed the difference in her attitude toward life and enjoying the day to day events. The tablets were definitely a blessing as nothing else was of use; and boy! had she tried.

Sadly she passed away at 50 years of age from too many cigarettes and that was a fact. She smoked like a chimney but I'm glad to say pain relief gave her a happier ease of life that she definitely would never have had.

Good luck to you Michael...............Ron.
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Date: 06.06.2013
From: Jaime Collins

Subject: Re: Playing the piano with arthritis?

Have you considered Cold Laser Therapy? Cold Laser therapy is amazing for chronic Arthritis and spinal conditions!!!

FDA approved for pain relief and safe and convenient to use in the comfort of your home. I am happy to supply information regarding purchase of the safe over the counter laser for use at home.
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Date: 06.06.2013
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Playing the piano with arthritis?

No I haven't I did look at the site and I would imagine this would be a expensive exercise. Most of us don't have the money for such things. It would be hard enough if it worked but if it didn't more money down the drain. I have done a lot of that so convinced I am not.
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Date: 06.06.2013
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Playing the piano with arthritis?

Someone insisted on giving me this therapy on my shoulder when I first got RA. Didn't do a thing, needless to say!
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