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Date: 07.03.2012
From: Kim

Subject: EESA being stopped as im married

Hi everyone
I just found out today that my eesa payments are going to be stopped soon as although I have been put in the work related activity group for two years and the atos doctor and my consultant have said my ra has to be stable before I return to work, as the government have changed the rules I can no longer get contribution related eesa and because Im married and my husband works (not a huge wage) I automatically lose my eesa. So Im being told by them I cant work yet will get no money, isnt that just great. My stress levels have gone through the roof so now my health is going to get worse. Not sure what to do now, just pray I make a miraculous recovery I guess!
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Date: 07.03.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

Hi Kim, it is scandalous the government is doing this. Talk about taking away independence from people, never mind money for basic things. You could try writing to your MP to make a protest, if enough people do it may make a difference, though I don't know about that. I'm sorry this has happened to you.
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Date: 08.03.2012
From: davina

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

What!!! that is horrendous, you have worked and payed taxes ect...and because your married you can't have it. That's not fair at all. That's the point for being on.contribution because you have payed into our country. Only income related to partners. This gov is causing all havock you know Labour are going to get votes at the next election. Xxx

I'm really sorry yay this is happening to you and your family. I know if I lost my ESA I don't know how I would live.
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Date: 08.03.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

I have to say this, you would think Mr Cameron would be more mindful considering his past experience, when his child was sick he needed all the help he could get and rightly so!!!
It seems he has a very short memory of how difficult it is to have a disability.
I don't get where this man is coming from at all.
I think it is a case of don't do what i do,just do as you are told.
I have no problem with any one claiming what should be theirs but I do have a problem with once they don't need it any more taking it away from every one else. Sorry about that rant, but it just makes me furious that our goverment think its ok to treat people the way they do.Take Care.
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Date: 08.03.2012
From: Paula-R

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as I'm married

I sometimes think that some 'bright spark' in government, sits there wondering what cuts to make, comes up with what he/she thinks is a good idea and really doesn't think things out properly. Stopping child benefit for people earning x amount of money is the obvious one at the moment that springs to mind.

I really can't understand how the government can get away with the ESA one, someone somewhere will challenge it. When you pay tax and national insurance you pay it as an individual, there is no concessions of how much you pay if you are married or living with a partner. It's the same if you live alone or share your accommodation. So what you pay as an individual is YOUR contributions. If you are married or living with a partner should not come into it.

What will happen next? If you are single but got another wage earner living in the same household brother/sister/daughter/son you won't be entitled to anything?

It really gets me so annoyed.
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Date: 09.03.2012
From: Kim

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

Thanks everyone, I have an appointment with an eesa advisor at jobcentre tomorrow. I am still cross as I realy do want to return to work but iv been told by my consultant and the atos consultant that my ra has to be under control for at least 6 months before returning to work yet there seems to be no leeway with not being paid more than a year on eesa. I worked full time for 12 years before I had to give up work so Iv paid into the system and yet the support is not there now I need it. I did point out that its all very well saying that its household income they go by, however if I was fit and well there would be two incomes in our household not just one as my husband does not earn enough to cover all the bills. I honestly think we would be better off if my husband gave up work to be my full time carer. I'll let you know how I get on as Im sure there will be many others who will be affected as well.
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Date: 09.03.2012
From: davina

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

hi kim i got a letter this morning saying the gov is stoping esa contribuations base after a year on it now and i too loss nearly £400 a month
please read my post on esa changes

this is horrible 1st we loss out cause my partner is working less than 24 hours to look after me now we loss out because of esa (we lossing about £550 - £600 a month due to changes.
i like you have payed taxes and worked since i was 16 til i was 30 (got laied of due to ra) so why do we have to suffer!!!! this govenment is ruthless and discusting.
i also contacted my esa advicer and she said there also is nothing left benifit wise for me to go no to as my patner earns (wait for it)....
£11000 a year.

sorry for the rant but i'm so angry and just about lived as it is don't see a way out unless my partner can get a £30000 a year job and thats not going to happen x
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Date: 10.03.2012
From: Kim

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

Hi davina

So sorry to hear you are losing your eesa as well. Its a nightmare and Im not sure what Im going to do as like you we cant afford to pay our rent and basic bills when my benefits stop. I couldnt go to see the eesa advisor yesterday as my daughter was off school sick, interesting to hear that you cant claim any other benefit. I am kind of hoping I can get job seekers allowance, does anyone know if that is income related in terms of household income?
Me and my husband have been racking our brains trying to come up with ways to make exta money, the only thing we can do is for him to take on a second job which means he cant help me or give me a break with looking after the kids so my health will still suffer, its a no win situation.Yet if I was single I would be entitled to so much more from this government, it really is disgusting the way we are penalised.
I hope you manage to get something sorted soon. xx
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Date: 10.03.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

Davina, what about working tax credit? Surely if he is on 11,000 a year and supporting two people he is entitled to them? Check that out on the DWP website, it is all there.
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Date: 10.03.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

Ditto you Kim, if you have children you can get them. I don't know what the limits are or changes, only that they have increased the number of hours to 24 that you must work to get them.
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Date: 10.03.2012
From: davina

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

Hi Kim its just unfair its not like we decide to not work as my partner said the people on benefits getting richer the richer are getting richer and the working class are getting screwed doubled.
When I spoke to my ESA adviser she said I can GO on to job seekers only if I can Iwork and only for 6 months on contribution which again screwed.
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Date: 10.03.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

What about working tax credit Davina?
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Date: 10.03.2012
From: davina

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

No I can't in April because he only does 22 hours and they are stopping you have it til 24 hours and no they can't give him any more some weeks its hard to get that.
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Date: 10.03.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

That's outrageous. First they cut the ESA then the tax credit. I thought that's what it was supposed to be there for. I'm really sorry Davina, wish I could say something to help. Do you get DLA?
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Date: 10.03.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

Davina, have you tried citizens advice bureau?? There must be some help for you. Does your husband get carers allowance for you? Do you get DLA? I would fill out the forms for everything, my motto if you don't ask you don't get.
I don't know much about the system apart from it stinks!!!!!!
I wish you luck with it all. Take Care xx
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Date: 10.03.2012
From: davina

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

bsk yes i get dla i get med care and full mobility with a car so its only half the amount like i said earlier i am lossing nearly £600 which for some is a full monthly wage but my main problem unless my partner can get a job getting more than £1500 a month after tax we can't even pay our normal bill and we don't even have credit cards or loans!!!

my main fear is lossing my house which i have worked so hard on and love also then needing to move. i also don't know how i will cope if my partner has to work full time because i am at the moment needing 2 crutches and tring to look after a 2 1/2 year old is very difficult.
when i contacted my esa advicer she did say she was going to send out a form for esa so they can look into my claim and maybe go into the support group but that depends on if they are going to be helpful or not x

sorry to rant on xxx
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Date: 10.03.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

Hi Davina, so glad you have contacted esa advisor, i do hope she/he can help you.
I feel for you, copping is hard enough without taking your money away.
Hope you get some help real soon. Take care Davina, big hug XX
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Date: 11.03.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

You are in a very vulnerable situation and I hope the Esa advisor can help you get moved into the other group. Let us know how you get on, and rant all you like :)
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Date: 11.03.2012
From: davina

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

Firstly thank you everyone I just don't know how we are goobg to deal with it really but time will tell.
Secondly sorry Kim we have taken over your post.
Hope you too get some help xxx
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Date: 11.03.2012
From: Kim

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

Hi Davina
My only hope is to get a job working from home which is flexible so on the days where I cant do anything I dont have to work, the chances of me getting a job like that are practically zero! Like you I have to use a crutch/crutches to get around but cant use them every day as pain in my shoulders. I can imagine that like me you can just about cope with everyday life with your child with the support of your husband. My husband works full time but has changed his hours so he starts earlier and finishes earlier and he has to use so much holiday to help me on days when I cant cope. Im lucky in that one of my children is at school and the other goes to nursery every afternoon so I do get a break during the day during term time.
BSK we dont get any working tax credit because my husband earns just over the limit which is about £16,000 I think. I would be entitled to the disbility element if I was single but again lose that as Im married.
I like Davina get the higher rate for dla and have a car which is my lifeline and that is up for renewal this year and im scared stiff I'll lose that as well.
I am going to write to my mp as something does need to be done about this as its not fair, I understand that something needed to be changed as I see too many people milking the system, for people like us who have a condition which gets progressively worse and can go into remission and then the next day flare up again we desperately need the support and knowing that we have the financial backing of benefits makes life just that little bit easier. Having it taken away when you are told you shouldnt work yet offer us no alternative is madness.
Im trying to remain positive but very hard, not sure how we are going to pay our rent and everything else, just going to have to take it one week at a time.
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Date: 11.03.2012
From: davina

Subject: Re: EESA being stopped as im married

hi kim i have now been making cakes for friends and family when i have been well, thank god for my partner as he does help roll icing and do fidly bits in icing so i have a little release and was thinking that if i can't get any benefits i may do a business in cake making but again the propblem is like now i am having the worse pain and really stuggling, so how am i going to do a business full time?

my parner is now self employed which does help and can take a day off at the drop of the hat but if he worked full time i don't know i would cope.
kim i would look into working tax credits as normally they give money up to £18000 if you have children i would ask them to check again.

my car is my life too if i didn't have that i would be stuck in my tine village and my son would not be able to go playgroups and thank god for playgruops he needs they, so do i. lol

again kim i to have to renew my dla this sep and really worried they will take that away.

the only thing i would say kim because you will be lossing your money find out if you can get council tax and housing benefit due to his income only.
and find out if you can apply for the support group of esa too xxx
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