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Date: 23.02.2012
From: tayba

Subject: Agreed to go on a drugs trial for RA

I was seen by my Rheumatologist yesterday, after almost a year. It has been a few months sinse I have been taking any of my meds that I was prescribed. The doctor told me about a trial that is happening at the moment and recommended it, as I have sero-positive arthritis and as it is very active. After being told about the trial and explained what happens and reading through all the information I was given to take home. I agreed to take part today and had another check up today. I an very nervous about it and wanted to know whether anyone else has taken part in a drugs trial?
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Date: 24.02.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Agreed to go on a drugs trial for RA

No, are you allowed to tell us what drug it is?

I do know someone who regularly takes part in drugs trials, he is healthy and the trials are generally to make sure the dosage amount doesn't have too many side effects. What I do know is that by the time they go to trial they have been tested quite rigorously (in pharmaceutical terms at least) so the trial is really to see how it really works with people with the illness.

I can understand your worry but you can pull out at any stage I suppose. It might work though!
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Date: 24.02.2012
From: tayba

Subject: Re: Agreed to go on a drugs trial for RA

I'm not sure if i can, though I wasn't told im not allowed to tell anyone about it.

The clinical trial is on its third stage, only people with RA are participating. I was told by my doctor that it has helped those who have used the medication. I'm just concerned I don't get the placebo (1 in 5 chance).

Yes, I can pull out when I want to.
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Date: 24.02.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Agreed to go on a drugs trial for RA

Must be worth trying I would have thought. I think the placebo thing is just mean but understand why they have to do it Fingers crossed you get the real thing and it works for you. It might help a lot of other people too, if that helps. You are being brave for the rest of us :)
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Date: 25.02.2012
From: Paula

Subject: Re: Agreed to go on a drugs trial for RA

I second bsk's comments, you are being brave for all of us, lots of luck and you are in my thoughts. Take care.
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Date: 26.02.2012
From: Lynn B

Subject: Re: Agreed to go on a drugs trial for RA

Hi Tayba, I havent posted on here for a while but yes I am on a drugs trial and have been for the last 18 months. I am on it for psoriatic arthritis it is a 2 year course and I must admit I was so, so weary about going on it, but now I am so glad I did. You will be monitored regularly I have experienced some good results although not perfect I am so much better for it My feet are still sore but a lot better than they were, fingers hands and everywhere else brilliant results. Just to let you know there is nothing to be nervous about you will be well looked after. If you deside to go for it I wish you luck and hope you get some good results
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