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Date: 02.02.2012
From: Mike

Subject: Psoriatic arthritis

Hi all, I am 27 year old male, I have been experiencing all sort of symptoms for about 3months now. The worst of which is pain in all of my joints not constant but throbbing pain that migrates from one joint to another.fatigue is also another symptom but that seems to come and go. I have seen a rheumatologist once already and she suggested that I may have psoriatic arthritis. I am seeing her again in march, and just wondering how long it took before you were all diagnosed. Another point I would like to make is that although my joints are painful the do not seem to swell. Had X-rays showed cam deformity of hips( anyone else had this?) and sclerosis of the sacriolic joint. Any information or advice anyone may have would be much appreciated.
Thanks Mike.
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Date: 02.02.2012
From: lynnr

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

Hi mike I too have psoriatic arthritis and like you have it in all my joints mines started last June was diagnosed in Oct been on 5 disease modyfying drugs which all failed either due to side effects or just not working now I am 4 weeks in on the anti tnf drug enbrel.
I hadn't even heard of this type of arthritis I didn't look to have alot of swelling in my joints but had loads of immflamation and extreme pain.
I hope you get onto treatment soon as that can prevent any permanent damage. I am only 35 so I was shocked when the dr initially said it might be arthritis I am slightly better but have a long struggle ahead.
Keep us posted on how you get on
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Date: 02.02.2012
From: Mike

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

Hi thanks for your reply, I was wondering do you suffer with much psoriasis? I hardly have any really a few bits on my shoulders and on my fingers. Also have an extremely itchy scalp at times so I assume I could gave it there. How do you feel in the mornings? I feel terrible can hardly move. Once up and about I do seem to get better.when the pain isn't too bad swimming helps a lot, nice to take the weight off of my joints. I suffer with ibs as well.
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Date: 02.02.2012
From: Dave S

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

Hi Mike
Me too, have had all your symptons for 2 years was getting worse nothing showing on x-rays or inflamotory tests eventually got referred to rhuemy 9 monthe ago. Diagnosed with PA and have been taking Sulphasalaseine ( sorry about spelling) and touch wood is not too bad at moment although i still have tiredness but pain is under control. I feel as though i have not slept for a month in the mornings and it takes a few hours to get moving , but when you see some people it could be a lot worse.
keep your chin up and keep smiling
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Date: 02.02.2012
From: Mike

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

Hi Dave thanks for your reply, did it take long for you to get your diagnoses? All of my bloods were ok last time.I have so many symptoms I feel like a bit of a hypocondriact. The fatigue is really bad at the mo I had a few weeks of it not being to bad thought I was getting better. Do you ever get pain in the bottom of your heal? I also get a shooting pain in the very tip of my big toe on my right foot.
Thanks Mike
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Date: 02.02.2012
From: lynnr

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

Hi Mike I hardly have any psoriosis either I had that when I was a teenager and went away a few years later I too have a really itchy scalp. All my blood work came back clear so I was given xrays of my hands and feet on my first visit to rhumy and diagnosis was confirmed on my 2nd visit I have had a terrible time bed ridden at times morning time is awful I have 3 small kids so staying in bed is not an option all the dmards did was make me ill I lost over 2 stone taking me down to just over 6 stone it was terrible but I must say although I am far from perfect the enbrel has helped especially the morning stiffness.

Feel free to ask me any other questions Mike I know what your going through.
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Date: 02.02.2012
From: Mike

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

Hi Lynn thanks again for replying it's so nice to talk to people who can understand how I am feeling, I feel sometimes people really don't understand. On the letter I received it said at my next appointment an hla-b27 could be checked were you checked for this if so what was the outcome?I am on the highest dosage of naproxen 1gm a day, I am also taking 25mg of nortriptyline to help me sleep.My GP told me that once I was diagnosed and treated I would be able to return to playing football but by what from what I have read on this forum that is very unlikely. Also looks like I am going to have to change my job, I am currently a builder but have been off since my symptoms started.I have no idea what I am going to do.
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Date: 02.02.2012
From: lynnr

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

I have heard of other ppl getting tested for the hla gene I'm not sure if I got tested because it was never mentioned it is hard for ppl that have never suffered this pain to understand what it is like I was put onto morphine pain patches along with my tramadol which made me barely able to function I doubt you will b able to return to work until at least you get it under control which can take a long time it with b 2 years in June and that's me just got anti tnf treatment so it can take a long time.

Do you have pain in your jaw I have arthritis in there as well and it's bloody painful.
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Date: 02.02.2012
From: Mike

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

My jaw is one place I don't really get that much pain,although I had pain in it for a few minutes for the first time the other day felt like it went out of place abit. Also pain in my collar bone is a fairly new symptom they feel stiff in the mornings.My hips,hands,feet,ankles and right knee seem to be the worst. I get alot of clicking from all of my joints. I also get shoring pains in my shin and a dull achy feeling in my forearms.The base of my thumbs are especially painful in the mornings making it hard to hold a cup of tea.I know having pitted nails is a symptom of pa but I have not got this have you?
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Date: 03.02.2012
From: lynnr

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

My jaw pain came later it was my shoulder it started then hands feet wrist all fingers knee toes Achilles tendon I have alot of clicking as well I do have lines on my nails and big toenail was off when I 1st attended my rhumy my collar bione is painful and neck really bad atm it can develop into ankoling spondilosis which is more common in men but my rhymy is keeping eye on it. I was also told by my rhumy that it's likely I have fubromiagia.
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Date: 03.02.2012
From: Mike

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

My rheumatologist appointment has been brought forward it is now next Friday. How often do you see your rheumatologist once you have been diagnosed?.I am struggling with the pain today, baths seem to help with the pain but I seem to get more itchy when in the bath. I itch all over when in the bath but can't see any signs of psoriasis where I itch just dry skin.Also the slightest scratch leaves really red marks on me.
I have to say this forum has really helped me.
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Date: 03.02.2012
From: lynnr

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

I was seeing my rhumy alot and my rhumy nurse even more my rhumy has just went on maternity leave so waiting on a new app I have app with rhumy nurse in March and only a phone call away if I need her sooner which is always good to know I did my 5th enbrel injection today and it seemed to swell right up I think each time I do them they get worse. I found this forum really helpful as well at least everyone understands what you are going through. I'm glad you have managed to get an earlier appointment hope everything goes well
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Date: 06.02.2012
From: TraceyM

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

Lynn and Mike... so good to see your posts! I'm waiting on results of HLA-B27 also; I thought I had arthritis of some sort (possibly RA) as often occurs alongside fibromyalgia so when the consultant mentioned Psoriatic arthritis I was knocked for 6! I don't even have psoriasis, never had! I have a tender scalp occasionally but thought that was due to too much colouring! lol! But who knows?! My GP and the consultant say its not uncommon not to have psorasis as well but every where I read they usually go together? Meds are still being sorted; can't touch Tramadol as it leaves me wiped - nightmare!
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Date: 06.02.2012
From: lynnr

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

Hiya Tracey my rhumy says most ppl get psoriosis 1st then joint pain but some get the arthritis then the skin problem I do hope it's not what they think as it's a nasty disease as I am sure you have read.

Take care if you have any questions feel free to ask I remember what I felt like last year getting that diagnosis x
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Date: 14.02.2012
From: Jane

Subject: Re: Psoriatic arthritis

Hi, I was diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis last month. I've had psoriasis for 20 years but to be told I have Psoriatic arthritis at the age of 33 was still a shock. I started with joint pain in one of my thumbs last Summer and by Christmas I had pain in my toes too. Only mentioned it when I was at the doctors for something else. Had some tests and saw specialist at beginning of January and he diagnosed straight away! I'm taking Sulfasalazine tablets at the minute but they are giving me raging headaches which isn't good. I'm back at the hospital next week for more blood tests!
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