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Date: 04.11.2011
From: Bevy

Subject: MRI Scan, But......

Hi, I have read a lot on here but not posted until now. I was diagnosed with PA a year ago, eventually! After going to GP with painful knees, fingers and very painful feet I had a blood test which was negative for rheumatoid factors. I was told to do more exercise!! Yeah right! It was after my wrist became painful and swollen, I was eventually referred to the Rheumatologist, who said straight away due to my history, I had PA.
After trying anti-inflammatory meds, I was started on Methotrexate and given a systemic steroid injection last January. We have persevered and persevered, increasing the Methotrexate to 20mg but unfortunately it hasn't worked. The steroids given systemically are a wonder drug and make me feel near normal again. However, most of us know that due to the side effects, you can't have them continuously and long term and the positive effects only last about 6 weeks for me.
It's been a reoccurring circle for me; Steroid injection which kicks in about a week later, feels great for about 4-6 weeks then the pain increases day by day. Of course some days are better than others; it seems dependent on my present life time situation.
Anyway at my last Rheumatologist appointment I said I'd had enough of persevering with Methotrexate (it also makes me feel nauseous and gives me a headache) that Iām on a continuous cycle that is not working. Initially starting the treatment gave me some hope, a light at the end of the tunnel, but now that light is diminishing fast which is making me very despondent. So I have now been referred for an MRI on my feet and ankles which I have tomorrow. The crazy thing is, and it is very crazy! What if it comes back normal? What the hell is this pain in my body, particularly my feet, ankles, knees and fingers? It's not in my head, it's real but will they believe me? Stupid, stupid, stupid I know, surely if it's negative I should be jumping around with joy if only I could jump!......
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Date: 05.11.2011
From: Dave s

Subject: Re: MRI Scan, But......

Hi Bevy
I know where you are coming from have been on a very similar ride. I had not been to the doctors for twenty years and even removed my own stitches after accidents and operations also removed my own plaster casts after accidents but now i have a season ticket for gp. I have battled on and like you told to exercise more for stage 4 Osteo in my ankles and knees (easier said than done). I kept on at my gp telling him that i am not a hypocondriac and i dont go just for attention. He sent me for X-rays blood tests all showing nothing but wear in my shoulders and in the end sent me to the Rhuemy who after studying my pain ( in my fingers, hands,wrists, elbows, shoulders, back and of course knees and ankles not to mention long bones in legs and arms)and also my history like you diagnosed PA putting me on Sulpha been on it now for 8 weeks not doing anything yet but will keep on with it whilst trying to cross fingers (ouch). I guess all we can all do is keep on plodding on hoping tomorrow will be a good day and thanking god that we are not horses otherwise we would have been put down lol.
Keep your chin up and try to keep smiling it makes people wonder what you've been up to
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Date: 05.11.2011
From: marlene

Subject: Re: MRI Scan, But......

Hi Bev, glad you have posted MRI SCANS are great they show everything the only thing is they need to do the full body scan but for some reason they never seem to. First i had hip scan nothing, then i had back scan bingo slipped disc and osteo arthritis. Surgery was required scary but I came out the other side. Ct scan injected with some radio active thing the name escapes me sorry, this showed OA in shoulder wrists knee fingers and in top and bottom vertebrae. Full house this time was this all in my head as i was made to feel for years i think not. It can be a long old road but you will get there in the end. Don't jump about too much LOL. I agree with Dave keep smiling through it all and watch them all frown. It will keep them all guessing. Take care.
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Date: 14.11.2011
From: Bevy

Subject: Re: MRI Scan, But......

Thanks for the replies. The results of the MRI confirms I have inflammation and accumulation of fluid due to the PA attacking the tendons, so now down the NICE route for treatment....Because the Meth is not working so well, I'm to go on Sulfasalazine before they can even offer me biologic medications! Oh well anything to stop this dreadful pain, especially in my damn feet!!
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