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Date: 24.10.2011
From: Nomi

Subject: Bad Knees

Hi Guys,

I wanted to ask your opinion and advice. About six years ago I was lifting something heavy and pulled the muscle in the back of my left knee. Within a couple of days it had swollen up to about three times the size and after a trip to the Dr I was signed off work for a month with instructions to rest it. The swelling went down slightly but has never gone away completely since it happened. After a few trips to the drs I was referred to the rheumatology clinic who put me on sulfasalazine tablets and told me to rest it and keep moving (i'm not sure how you do both at the same time!). After a while on those tablets and not much improvement I was put on methotrexate tablets which I have been on for about 3yrs now. My knee is still swollen, my other knee swells every now and then but only when the first one is bad (so possibly just putting more use on that one to ease up the other one). My knee also has a lumpy bit that pops out from under my kneecap when I move it, and I regularly trap my psciatic nerve when its really swollen. i also get shooting pains through my knee when I use the stairs.
After 4yrs of persuading I finally managed to see a physio who said I had fallen arches and that was at least a part of the problem. I have now got orthopedic insoles which have helped a lot but I still have a swollen knee. My question is,from your experiences do you think it is arthritis as the meds dont seem to help and my knee has never been back to what it used to be. I'm 24 I would like to be able to walk/go to the gym (I cant work out consistently as any leg work makes my knee swell up more!) even run.
Any advice/ opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry for the essay!

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Date: 24.10.2011
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Bad Knees

I am not aware of rheumatologists prescribing sufasalazine or methotrexate if you haven't got inflammatory arthritis of some kind. Have you ever been given a proper diagnosis?

When my knee has swollen I have had a steroid injection into it which sorts it out for a while. I just ring the rheumatologist on call or the specialist nurse and they arrange treatment. I would ring them if I were you.
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Date: 24.10.2011
From: Nomi

Subject: Re: Bad Knees

I've never actually been told what it is but i get the impression they think its psoriatic arthritis. Tbh I got the feeling that because the GP referred me they assumed thats what I had. i've had the injections a couple of times but they have no effect whatsoever. I'm just getting fed up of it because i can't do anything i used to (climbing/ hiking etc). I was told not to exercise when my knee is swollen so I can't exercise because my knee is always swollen! I just feel like the gp/ specialists dont care.
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Date: 24.10.2011
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Bad Knees

Have you ever had a CT or MRI scan? The you must rest but keep active is a bit difficult at times, how my physio exlpained it, gentle excercise, not to sit in one position too long. Just walk to one side of the room and back then rest again. Hope you get sorted soon. Take Care
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