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Date: 18.07.2011
From: Julie

Subject: drilling deep ache pain :o(

I have for last 2 weeks a drilling type pain in my left ankle which literally feels like someone is drilling through my ankle bone with a sharp screwdriver!!It's so painful and along with that pain it slightly subsides to a dull deep ache , deep inside the this what some people have with RA? I get it with ankle on right foot but not as severe, that is more bearable!
Anyone else get this?
Take care xx
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Date: 18.07.2011
From: Julie

Subject: Re: drilling deep ache pain :o(

Then it feels really hot, burning then the cycle starts over again...I am finding my ''arthritic'' pain moves around my body quite alot, from hand to hand, ankle to ankle, and sometimes both sides at once. I have noticed too that even though the majority of the pain has subsided since taking plaquenil and predisolone the last 2 to 3 weeks, I have still ''some'' pain of varying degrees although before it was constant almost. And my swelling has not really gone down much, still that normal?? Sorry for all questions, I am new and scared :o(

Thanks xx
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Date: 18.07.2011
From: mads

Subject: Re: drilling deep ache pain :o(

hi Julie - i can empathise with the really hot burning pain and the pain that is deep inside the bone. before i was diagnosed with ra for about a year i had random excrutiating pain in ankle, elbow, shoulder etc then it settled into a collective agony but that does seem like a distant memory now as the pain has certainly subsided to an ache which is manageable.
I was really scared too as i had so little knowledge of this disease and what to expect - my rheummy nurse give me loads of information, most of it produced by an organisation called NRAS and ofcourse i got some realy good advice and support from intelligent and knowledgable people on this forum. hope this helps
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