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Date: 03.07.2011
From: Ingrid

Subject: injections, exercise, likely speed of further degeneration? ?

Hi there, I am 66, female, English, but living in Germany. I was diagnosed with degeneration of the hip a year ago.An MRI revealed I have spurs on the joint as well as some fluid. I had a dull ache in the upper thigh at first, now it is more in the hip area.The most obvious symptom is restricted movement of the leg and limping when I get up in the morning or after long periods of sitting, standing or walking .My doctor says I could have hylaronic injections, or cortisone, but there is no guarantee they would help.I don't need pain killers as I can easily live with this mild ache.He says eventually I would probably have to have a hip replacement. I go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week, where I do weight training and step aerobics, Oddly I don't have much discomfort during the latter, though I know it isn't good for the joint - but I'll have to stop one day, so I decided to enjoy doing it while I still can! Ditto ballroom dancing,which I do once a week, which is also not great for the condition. I also go walking - which IS good (I don't like the 2 recommended activities swimming and cycling!) My questions are: does anyone recommend injections? Has anyone out there got similar symptoms or do similar exercise, had injections? What should I expect to happen next? How soon is it likely to get worse? Thanks for any info or tips.
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Date: 03.07.2011
From: Lynn B

Subject: Re: injections, exercise, likely speed of further degeneration? ?

Hi Ingrid,It is important that you keep up the execise. I have the same thing in my right hip and the phisio has given me a list of exercises to do I have bursitis there as well, which is imflamation of the bursa ( the sac of fluid between the hip and the thigh I had a cortisone injection and it realy helped me for the last 8 weeks.As you say walking is very good, I think you are exercising more than enough realy, the injections dont work for the minority of people, but i must admit it realy helped me. take care x
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Date: 04.07.2011
From: Ingrid

Subject: Re: injections, exercise, likely speed of further degeneration? ?

Hi Lynn, thanks for the quick reply! I thought too there must be physio exercises which would be beneficial, but my orthopedic doctor said they wouldn't help. I will look into that. Did the injection hurt?? are you going to have another one? I would have to pay for them but what puts me off most is that I imagine, and read on this forum, that they are really painful..!All the best,thanks for sharing your experience..bye
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Date: 04.07.2011
From: Lynn B

Subject: Re: injections, exercise, likely speed of further degeneration? ?

No Ingrid I didnt think it was to painful it only lasts for a few seconds, it does ache a bit for a while but i got some terrific relieve from it . and yes I would certainly have another. I have had 2 in my shoulder 1 in my hip, 2 in my knee, 1 in my elbow and dozens of them in my backside for all over pain. The only realy painful one that did hurt was my elbow, but that is so painful again now that it has worn off and i will see what the rheummy says when i go back at the end of the month, hope that helps and i didnt ramble to much. take care. x
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Date: 04.07.2011
From: Ingrid

Subject: Re: injections, exercise, likely speed of further degeneration? ?

Gosh, poor you, you must have arthritis in many places, lucky ol' me only has it in her hip..are you around my age? Thanks for all the helpful tips, I really appreciate it, and am very pleased to have found this forum. Wishing you a pain-free night, take care, bye for now.
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