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Date: 06.04.2011
From: Gaynor

Subject: Knee giving way

Hey all. Has anyone else had the experience of their knee/s giving way. Last week my knee got "stuck" in a bent position. Like it was locked - and it was &%$^%$£ painful. Then it just started giving way. It's kind like a grinding feeling and then WHOOSH it just goes with a fireworks display of pain to accompany it. Is this normal with RA?
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Date: 06.04.2011
From: Jonny

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

Hey - sorry, not had any probs with the knees just yet (keeping my fingers crossed) - Not to sure about what you've experienced there? Prob an idea to chat with a Dr. Sounds like your muscles may be weakening as your not using or putting pressure on it daily?? Obv I'm prob very mistaken but you might wanna explore further if it continues. Good luck.
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Date: 06.04.2011
From: Nicola

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

Hi gaynor, I'm a physio (with RA) and what you describe sounds like a cartilage problem. Have you had clicking or clunking of your knee in the past? The only way to definitely know would be to have it scanned, if you can get seen by a physio they would be able to assess it properly and treat it to help with the pain and maybe strengthen your knee muscles. Good luck and hope things get better soon :)
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Date: 07.04.2011
From: davina

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

hi gaynor i have this problem all the time and they say nothing is wrong just to do with the ra for me, i have had an mri scan which showed inflammation and water on the knee and a tilt of my knee cap.
my knee always clicks and very painful.
nicola as a physio can you tell me if these problems can be due to my knee cap tilting?
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Date: 07.04.2011
From: louloubelle

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

Hi Gaynor

I have PsA and have been experiencing a "popping" sensation at the back of my knee (to the inner side). It also feels as though my knee is about to give way so I have to stop. I usually feel this when walking, particularly upstairs.

I mentioned this to the rheumy nurse and she tells me it is most probably the cartilidge "flipping" backwards and forwards over the joint and is not unexpected with arther. She was giving me a steroid shot as I am having a major flare while I wait for my new drugs to kick in and she tells me that should help.

Hope that helps.

Lou x
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Date: 07.04.2011
From: Gaynor

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

Thanks all. I'm having full body MRI tomorrow - so hopefully that will show up what's going on.
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Date: 07.04.2011
From: nicola

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

Davina, yup clicking and clunking and pain can be because of your kneecap tilting. The kneecap is supposed to sit in quite a specific groove between your thigh and leg bones and sometimes due to muscle weakness, or your posture or previous injury, the kneecap can slip a little bit out of its alignment and cause pain.
however, there are a lot of really easy exercises that can help to strengthen the specific muscles {on the inside of your knee} which can be very helpful. obviously if arthritic damage has already been done, this cant be reversed but lots can be done to make sure more damage is limited.
hope this helps! and hope youre having a good day today
nic x
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Date: 08.04.2011
From: davina

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

hi nicola thanks for the info, i may ask for physio to look at my knee it may help.
yes everyday is the same but its ok thanks
gaynor good luck with your scan
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Date: 13.04.2011
From: Tom H

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

I have constant clicking and clunking in my knee, due to my PA. I really don't think it will ever end and that it will click for the rest of my life. Not too painful though
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Date: 13.04.2011
From: Maz

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

I have just had an arthroscopy (last Thur morning) to take care of a torn meniscus cartilage .. & the clicking is a standard clue that it's the meniscus that is damaged/torn.

Don't leave it too long before you have it seen to by a surgeon !!
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Date: 14.04.2011
From: cookie

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

Hi after i had mt dd no1my knee stared givibg way badly no warning etc i was worried it would happen while i was carrying her got refered to physio and was given a hhuuugggee knee brace totaly useless. Anyway it did eventualy resolve a couple of months later just used a neopreen support from the pound shop which actually helped loads x
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Date: 19.05.2011
From: Izzy

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

Yes, my knees often give way. The pain is excruciating and I find it hard to walk afterwards but it is only recently that my left leg gave way and I could not bear weight on it at all for 2 weeks.
Since then I have felt it tweaking which causes a bit of pain, but the worst part is that when it does that I'm always scared that my knee is going to give way soon.

I've been told that this is due to a cartilage problem and that I should try concentrating on strengthening them up by doing light exercise, although it is hard to say if it has helped as they still give way. For me, there is no specific thing that triggers my knees giving way and happens at random e.g. standing up, walking, sitting down, going up/down the stairs, getting into the car etc. I could also go months without them giving way and then all of a sudden it happens 2 times in one month.
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Date: 20.05.2011
From: Lorraine

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

hi everyone my knee is so painfull clicking and feels like it's giving way also feels like a tight band around it
I have slept in a recliner chair for 3 nights the pain is ok then but as soon as i get into bed it starts painkillers don't touch it why is this ? i can't understand why it gets worse when i go to bed i bought a memory foam mattress last week thinking it would help but no change so fed up i need a good sleep
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Date: 20.05.2011
From: Lee

Subject: Re: Knee giving way

my left knee where I have PA as well sometimes just clunks and gives way and i fall to one sideand is somerhink luckily ive just acceped that this will always happen.

The specialist has said physio for me knee an neck but so far only had it on my neck and he said of it cracks my neck its perfectly fine as its releasing built up tension bu not to crack it myself.

My specialist also said that try and a weight or something to build and strengthen the knee muscle so it should limit the amount of times it gives way and i fall over.
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