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Date: 05.04.2011
From: nicci

Subject: why do we keep taking the meds

Hi there I'm nicci and have had sero negative arthritis since 2002 but only been on medications since Nov last year. Started on sulfasalazine, then methotrexate in January. Both have not worked, I am still in loads of pain and everywhere is swollen and inflamed from my neck to my fingertips and toes. Saw the consultant on 24 march and my esr and crp levels are really low so he suggested blood test for lupus and put me on plaquenil as well. Results came back normal. Anyway my question is why keep taking the drugs if they are clearly not working. If they ewere going to work wouldn't they have worked by now.
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Date: 05.04.2011
From: Gaynor

Subject: Re: why do we keep taking the meds

Hey Nicci. You sound a bit fed up. It's hard to know what to do for the best huh? I guess we keep taking 'em because we hope that something is going to kick in and help. If you are struggling, please contact your consultant and let them know that you are getting a bit desperate. In this day and age there are so many top notch pain meds around there is no reason for someone to be overwhelmed by pain. All the best to you Nicci. Be kind to yourself.
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Date: 07.04.2011
From: Gaynor

Subject: Re: why do we keep taking the meds

Hey Nicci - how are you doing today? I hope things are a bit easier for you.
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Date: 07.04.2011
From: nicci

Subject: Re: why do we keep taking the meds

Hi gaynor, thanks for your reply. I am ok at the moment, a bit sore but not unbearable but that's only cos of the prednisilone. I am enjoying the sunshine tho. Nothing about this arthritis makes sense. I phoned my docs yesterday to ask for my levels. Since November they have gone up slightly, but the pain has been awful. Going to just try and live as normal til I go back to consultant in July. Thanks for asking
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Date: 07.04.2011
From: Dalton

Subject: Re: why do we keep taking the meds

Hi Nicci

Ive got the same condition and it took about 6 - 12 months for my methotrexate and sulphalazine to work - I had to have steroid injections in the meantime to try and help with the pain and took tramadol. I also now take amitriptyline to help with the nerve pain caused by the RA inflamming and trapping the nerves. Its really frustrating but try and hang in there as I feel loads better (not brilliant but loads better) but as I say it took a good 6 - 12 months before it really worked.
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Date: 07.04.2011

Subject: Re: why do we keep taking the meds

Bless you. I was diagnosed in 2004.
I too tried Sulpha.. ( yuk ) and now on Metho.
Not too bad on that but I still have to take steroids too.
It did take time for this to kick in though, so I say Hang in there... xxx
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Date: 08.04.2011
From: nicci

Subject: Re: why do we keep taking the meds

Thanks Dayton. Hopefully they should start to kick in soon then. Was on amitryptiline for migraine. Glad your feeling better.

Tinkling I am Currently on 7.5mg of prednisilone and if I am late taking it or forget I start to feel pain again. Had a weeks worth of 30mg and within 2 hours I was completely pain free, it was amazing, but as soon as I stop its unbearable again.
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Date: 12.04.2011
From: kylee

Subject: Re: why do we keep taking the meds

hi nicci i have been in the same boat s yourself i was on many drugs that didnt seem to work but was stil kept on the drugs as my rhummy was afraid that if he took the drug away my symptoms would get even worse so he would introduce a different drug untill something worked then wean me of the ones that didnt seem to do much
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Date: 12.04.2011
From: Tinkpink1

Subject: Re: why do we keep taking the meds

I take my pred reiligiously... no room for forgetting... otherwise BANG.. pain again.

Steroids are fab.. but to what end? There is always a pay off isnt there?

Hopefully the warmer weather will ease your symptoms.

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Date: 13.04.2011
From: nicci

Subject: Re: why do we keep taking the meds

Hi, god yeah if you forget or are even a bit late taking them its awful and so debilitating. Wish there was just one drug that would work. What is next I have no idea. I hope the warmer weather helps, not looking too promising tho x
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