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Date: 15.03.2011
From: Jo

Subject: Psoriatic Arthritis

Hi everyone I'm new on here, I'm 28 years old and have had PA for around 15 months now; it's in nearly every joint. I started on sulphasalazine, then went on to methotrexate tablets and 7 weeks ago I started taking methotrexate injections.

I am still in constant pain and some days cannot move at all as my joints swell up like balloons - especially my hands, wrists and feet. I'm really struggling with work as apart from coping with the pressures of commuting and being at work all day, my line manager is not very understanding about my condition. I have become very emotional and especially when I'm having a bad day I find it hard to stop myself crying which is so unlike me. I'm starting to feel like I can't cope any more, but I don't want to give up working and can't seem to get a job that is less hours although I've applied for several!

I do have some better days now that I'm on the injections, but I don't feel a huge difference. I don't know if this means that the drugs aren't working, or that I'm not going to improve more than this. Does anyone have any advice?
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Date: 15.03.2011
From: Francesca

Subject: Re: Psoriatic Arthritis

hello Jo
I am sorry to hear about your PsA. I have PsA too and I am 38. I was diagnosed about a year ago and I work full time. Like you I have it in a lot of my joints. I have trouble walking far, even driving and I struggle a lot with stairs. I have quite a sedantry job which helps but its a stressful job. My employer are fairly understanding. My advice to you would be to be aware that according to the discrimation legislation (Employment rights and the Equality Act 2010) you fall into the category of being disabled. This means that your employer are responsible for making "reasonable alterations" to your job role to accommodate your disease. You can find more information here:

If you dont have an understanding manager, do you have a union rep who can help you with your rights

Unfortunately, for various reasons we are more prone to depression. This is because of the disease itself and its impact on our brain chemistry and because of the difficulties we face. If you are tearful for more than a couple of weeks and you feel down it would be worth asking your GP about psychological support you can get on the NHS.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
best wishes
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