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Date: 23.12.2010
From: Amy

Subject: Grrr!!

Just back from seeing my rhuemy and he seems to think because I don't have any inflammation today (which I believe I do!) He's telling me to stop my meds and get an ultrasound on some of my joints and then see where we can go from there! Also mentioned my recent application of DLA and he doesn't think I'll get it. I'm sorry but he only sees me every 6 months and because I'm having an "ok" day I will more than likely be refused DLA and now on no tablets until after this ultrasound? I told him over and over I'm in a lot of pain and I feel a lot WORSE than I have done and it didn't seem to sink in! Soooo annoyed! Grrr, rant over!
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Date: 23.12.2010
From: kylee

Subject: Re: Grrr!!

hey amy i to have been to see rhummy today i have been on the anti tnf drugs and my rhummy did an ultra sound scan on all my joints which showed no inflammation which was good news ment the drugs are working however i couldnt understand why i was in so much pain so i asked him and he had told me it was some thing to do with the nerve endings that is connected to the ra cusing so much pain so now we new my inflammtion was under control we could now lookm at getting the pain under control so he has started me on low dose anti depressant which is used to treat ra sufferers with chronic pain how it works i dnt no as i cldnt take it all in put im thinking you maybe in the same boat as me. seems strnge why he would stop your meds if he believes there is no inflammation as that surley means the inflamation is undercontrol and now they need to do something about your pain.
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Date: 24.12.2010
From: dolly

Subject: Re: Grrr!!

hi amy. sorry to hear bout ur rheummy being no help. i've had ra over 40 yrs and here's what i would do. on the next time i had a severe "flare up" where i could barely move, walk, or anything, i would go 2 the emergency room and at that time get the ER doc to send a copy of his report to the rheummy. that would show the rheummy that u do have horrible days and u want something [meds] that r goin 2 help u. if that doesn't work i would ask my gp 4 a different rheummy. your gp should still b able 2 prescribe u something 4 pain and inflammation, those 2 meds don't necessarily b prescribed from a rheummy. i wish u all the best. keep in touch, dolly
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