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Date: 09.12.2010
From: Amy

Subject: Anyone else?

Hi all :-)

Don't know if anyone else is having any other experiences like this but.... recently like every night i'm having horrible dreams that my partner is going to leave me or he's cheating on me. I wake up every morning feeling terrible and convinced this is going to happen. I also feel horrible about myself just now, I've put on weight with the steriods etc... I just don't feel like the girl he started going out with 4 years ago. Is anyone else felt like this at all? I don't know if it's maybe my medication or maybe i'm just down in the dumps. Either way this is horrible :-( x
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Date: 10.12.2010
From: ScaryFeet

Subject: Re: Anyone else?

Hi Amy

Such a sad posting, wish I'd seen it earlier so I could send you cyber hugs and try and cheer you up........

I have very vivid dreams, mostly good or odd or curious but sometimes bad and very upsetting - sometimes Hubby wakes me in the night as I'm crying or shouting out.

I've talked to my Councillor about it and she has shown me that whatever I'm seeing happening is a result of worries I'm having during my waking hours that then manifest themselves as horrible dreams.

The way I'd therefore read what is happening to you is because you are so down at the moment about your weight etc etc you are thinking bad things and these are still in your sub-conscience when you go to sleep - hence the bad dreams.

So whats the answer?

You need to start changing the way you see and feel about yourself. Simple........NOT!!!!! I wish it was!!!!

The thing is you aren't the girl he started going out with 4 years ago - you are older, wiser and will have developed different ideas, dreams & wishes and you will be more interesting and fun to know as a result - focus on these positives.......

OK, you also have a chronic disease and, as a result of the drugs you are having to take you have put weight on. This has happened to me too and I am angry and sad and furious and any other word you can think to add - I feel just like you.

What I try and do when it gets bad is firstly give myself permission to feel down in the dumps - I can't be happy and up all the time and I have a chronic illness that often dictates how I feel. Secondly I think about my Hubby - I know that sounds corny but I am the luckiest woman alive because I am married (4 yrs) to a man that loves me - RA or no RA, depression or no depression, grumpy or not grumpy!! He has nursed me when I've run a 10k race pre-RA and he's nursed me when I've had a flare-up. And throughout all this he tells me I am beautiful and special and every now and again I actually allow myself to believe him...........

Talk to your Partner Amy. Tell him how you feel - let him help you by reassuring you that he loves you and wants to be with you - he may even welcome the chance to be strong for you.....

Stop thinking the worst - you've heard the saying 'self fulfilling prophecy'..........think positive loving thoughts - you are special and don't deserve the added burden of horrible dreams on top of what you have to deal with every day of your life..........

Oh Boy! That told you!!!

I hope I've helped!!!??

Big Hugs
Lisa xx
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Date: 12.12.2010
From: Amy

Subject: Re: Anyone else?

Thanks Lisa, its good to know someone else feels the same. I know I'm so lucky to have my partner, I'm just so scared I will either push him away with my moods or lose him because I'm not who he started going out with. He tells me he loves me all the time and I don't doubt him at all its just me being insecure and the only person that can help me is myself! I think 2011 has to be a new year for me! This year has just been rubbish and I need a new positive start to make myself feel better! Never know I might end up with a body to die for! Haha I wish! Xx
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Date: 12.12.2010
From: katknapp

Subject: Re: Anyone else?

I know how you feel Amy,i dont feel like Cathy anymore,ive put weight on thanks to the steroids and im so moody and tearful all the time,i cant be bothered with myself anymore and i have always loved wearing make up and looking good,really not looking forward to christmas at all would rather stay in bed to be honest,so you are not alonexxxx
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