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Date: 02.12.2010
From: ScaryFeet

Subject: Dead Arms in the Night - Help Please

Hi All
I know we've been talking about this recently but can't find the posts this morning so hope we can talk about it again
I'm waking up in the night with one or both of my arms completely numb and the only way to bring the movement back is to hang them down over the side of the bed - as though they need the blood to flow back into them.
I remember someone saying before (sorry, I can't remember who) that they woke up in the night feeling like they were holding a sausage (no jokes please!!) and realised it was their finger but the numbness made it feel unreal. This describes my experiences to a T

This is getting worse night by night and affecting what bit of sleep I manage to get. Before I contact my Rheumy I was wondering what you know? Its now started to come on in the daytime if I leave my arms in the same still position for too long. My legs are fine although I'm getting pins and needles in my feet when I sit still........

Getting a bit anxious - any advice please?

Thanks loads
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Date: 02.12.2010
From: athena

Subject: Re: Dead Arms in the Night - Help Please

hi scaryfeet, i get pins and needles in my hands and feet too, hands only at night and wake up and they are completely dead, had carpal tunnel test and not that they said but it can come from the nerves in the top of the spine,i had it years before RA but get pins and needles in feet now but blame the RA for that,i read somewhere that some dr's prescribe B12 and that helps but always best to get it checked out as soon as possible,take care
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Date: 02.12.2010
From: caroline

Subject: Re: Dead Arms in the Night - Help Please

HA HA the sausage was me horrible feeling sounds like you have carpul tunnel not that im a doctor or out lol They never found what caused mine just said i got it during my pregnancy can be caused through weight gain. I was told its impossible to get it in my legs which i do get if i sit still for too long They did the nerve conduct tests on me and i had it severly in both hands but my ops were not successfull so ive just been for an MRI scan to check Brain and spine If ya need any advice just ask but do go see your doc ask to see a neurologists
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Date: 02.12.2010
From: ScaryFeet

Subject: Re: Dead Arms in the Night - Help Please

Thanks both of you for coming back so quickly, much appreciated.

Carpel tunnel mentioned by you both....interesting......

Caroline, what type of sausage did you feel like you were holding as your might be different to mine resulting in a different diagnosis........mine was more of a cumberland.....!!!!

Seriously now - you sure know how to worry a girl! Go and see a neurologist! Yeek! Scary stuff!! I think you may be right though as something is very wrong. I've had the cramping pains in specific muscles before and that was bad enough but even this late in the day and after plenty of water and movement my fingers are still fat and tight and don't want to bend to make a fist......

I've been wondering if its caused by the bit of painting I'm doing and have felt a bit 'its your own fault'. But as hubby has pointed out my Rheumy is always telling me to keep moving as much as possible and it isn't my joints that are causing the problem.....

Think I'll phone my Rheumy tomorrow - we are all snowed in here (London) so I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't in but worth a try, and I'll see if the GP can phone me as this won't warrant an 'emergency' appointment I bet!

Thanks again - I'm sure I'll be back with more questions........
Lisa xx
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Date: 02.12.2010
From: athena

Subject: Re: Dead Arms in the Night - Help Please

hi scaryfeet,

definetely get it looked at, i had the nerve conduction tests done a few weeks ago and they said no carpal tunnel or ulna nerve entrapement,as mine is more in my little fingers and ring fingers but its been like that for years, my sister said its pregnancy that causes it but not sure if thats true, ive only had it in my thumb and first fingers since ive had RA and sometimes the whole hands,i also get pain in my wrists so put it down to the RA, what meds are you on? my fingers get very tight too, its worth trying your rheumy tomorrow and speaking to her or gp if she isnt in
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Date: 03.12.2010
From: Dalton

Subject: Re: Dead Arms in the Night - Help Please


Ive had numbness in my hands at night for months now as a result of the RA. Ive had nerve conduction tests etc but the consultant says its "neurological symptoms as a result of RA"! They dont seem to be able to do anything about it and have increased my amitriptyline to help me to sleep better to become less aware of it. My hands also go really cold when they are numb and have absolutely no feeling at all until I get them going again, like you say hanging them over the bed! I also get a huge amount of pins and needles in my hands when Im using a fork, sleeping or driving on occasions and holding the phone for example. Ive been trying to get something done for months but the GP and Consultant dont appear to be able to do anything. They think its as a result of the RA inflamming areas that then trap nerves causing the numbness and pins and needles. Ive also started getting really bad searing pain in the top of my arms. The weather doesnt help neither!
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Date: 03.12.2010
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Dead Arms in the Night - Help Please

hi Scary, I've get completely numb fingers both the little fingers and ring fingers on both hands at night. Carpel tunnel affects the other two fingers, not these ones. I've talked to two doctors this week and they both say the same thing and it is prob arthritis.
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Date: 08.12.2010
From: caroline

Subject: Re: Dead Arms in the Night - Help Please

I guess most are different My hand and arm go totally numb also a grey in colour like they have lost circulation i was diagnosed with carpul tunnel after the conduction tests 6 years ago although had symptoms when i got pregnant with my son due to weight increase although i have been back again had test repeated and still have carpul tunnel after having the release op I was diagnosed with RA this year I just need to strange thing to have i have been told that Reynauds is a similar thing?
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