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Date: 21.11.2010
From: Peter Walker

Subject: Does drugs' efficacy wear off over time?

My symptoms started about 5 years ago and after a few months on diclofenac, which didn't help at all, I was prescribed hydroxychloroquin (quinine).

I have since learned that this is a pretty old remedy for RA (actually, I was diagnosed with "palindromic rheumatism" which can, and does, randomly affect any joint it chooses. It bloody hurts, but apparently permanent joint damage can't be detected by X-ray. It can be a forerunner of full-blown RA but it's pretty rare and as yet knowledge about its advance is sketchy) but it seemed to work for me. After about 2 years, however, the effects of the drug began to wear off and the pain and swelling returned.

After about 6 months, in which I had 3 steroid injections (general ones) over the summer of 2008, I was put on methotrexate and again the symptoms went. Initially I had a few side effects (spotty nose, which I put down to the mtx and is a bit odd in a 54-year-old) but they have gone and generally life has been fine.

However, increasingly over this summer my symptoms returned and I have had episodes in which different joints have been affected. Mostly it's been my hands and wrists, but about a month ago I had a really bad flare-up in my left foot which caused my calf to swell up so much that I thought that the restriction to the blood flow might have caused a deep vein thrombosis. I spend many hours in A & E waiting to be seen (it was a Saturday) but after a scan on the Monday I was given the all clear.

As of tomorrow my mtx is being increased from 12.5mg to 17.5 mg because of these increased flare-ups

What I'm trying to find out is whether people on this forum think that their bodies become accustomed to a drug, or whether they think that the advancing nature of the disease can overcome the drug's efficacy. That's probably a daft question because I don't know how you would tell one from the other.

Also, what is considered to be a high dose of mtx? I was told that 12.5 mg is low. I've read a few posts about people's hair falling out, but as a bloke in my mid 50s that doesn't bother me. My oldest brother is bald as a coot, as were my father and both my grandfathers so I should expect it anyway!

I should add that generally my health is pretty good and I try to keep myself fit through cycling, but I am overweight. Looking through this forum I reckon I'm pretty lucky judging by others' experiences, but it's hard to convince yourself of that at 3 a.m. when both hands feel as though they've been trampled on by elephants.
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Date: 21.11.2010
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Does drugs' efficacy wear off over time?

Hiya Peter, I have read many posts that say that your body can get used to the drugs , then they can become less effective,also your body can start reacting with side effects as the toxic effects build up, or like you say the progression of the disease can mean a need to increase dosage.
I have RA had it for over 2 years,and am on 15mg of mtx at the moment.From what I read I dont think I take a high dosage compared to some.
I have heard about hair falling out to,and as a women in my mid fifities it "does" worry me, but more seem to complain about that when their meds go up to 20mg.So I think if I have to increase my dose to that I would settle for the pain lol..
Like you I feel my general health is good, and am lucky not to suffer like many on here.
Hopefully the increase will settle your body down for another few years or might even put the disease into remission, (we can only hope I do that every day)
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Date: 23.11.2010
From: William

Subject: Re: Does drugs' efficacy wear off over time?

Hello there. Your story is very simialar to mine. I was told I had palindromic rheumatism about 11 years ago and then in 2003 told I had full blown RA. I was put on to sulphasalazine and in no time at all my symptoms had more or less gone.

After about 4 years at my request I was allowed to stop the sulpha and enjoyed a few years drug free. In February this year I started to get a bit of pain and swelling again and this peaked in May when my my left calf, like yours swelled up. I was treated for 10 days for a blood clot ie injections of warfarin in the stomach despite my scan ruling a blood clot out. Turns out the cause was something called a 'bakers cyst' rupturing behind my knee. This is related to RA.

I started on MTX in July and am on 20mg with no side effects and I still have my hair although it is very grey! I'm 50 by the way. Still lucky enough to enjoy a gargle with my monthly blood tests stable.

I answer to your question yes I do think over time we do become immune to certain drugs. Like you I keep fit by walking and swimming. Unfortunately the 7'aside football has hit the dirt! Also like you I think I am one lucky chappy compared with a lot of poor souls on the various arthritis forums.

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Date: 28.11.2010
From: wendy

Subject: Re: Does drugs' efficacy wear off over time?

Hi new here just seen you have taken Sulphasaaline. My husband just been given it and i wondered what others thought who have taken this? It has happened because I requested a second opinon after 10 years of the consultant just prescibing lodine and pin patches for my husbands AS and RA he also has chronic fatique syndrome. So I am concerned about the side effects as I am ignorant on medications. thanks for any info. sorry but what is mtx?
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Date: 28.11.2010
From: athena

Subject: Re: Does drugs' efficacy wear off over time?

hi wendy

im on sulpha so can give you my experience with it, like all drugs it can cause side effects but it effects everyone differently, the main one with the sulpha is headaches and nausea, ive havent had either of these but i do get a rash from it and stomach pains so have had to drop the dose but it does seem to be working to an extent, is your husband having monthly blood tests to monitor his WBC and liver? these are very important and he will have to make sure he does have them regularly.

MTX is methotrexate which is also used for RA either on its own or with another DMARD like sulpha, its a very low dose chemo and can also cause some nasty side effects,but again that depends on the person as we are all different, its started at a low doese and increased slowly,and taken all in one go once a week,folic acid is added to help with any side effects, bloods will be monitered regularly,im starting it in jan in conbination with the sulpha and will have to have blood tests every 2wks,hope this helps x
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Date: 29.11.2010
From: William

Subject: Re: Does drugs' efficacy wear off over time?

I had no probs with sulpha apart from having orange pee!!!

Blood tests every 3 months keep you right. Don't be scared to give it a try.
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