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Date: 18.08.2010
From: Marilyn

Subject: 4th Dose of Mtx - suffering

I have taken my 4th dose of MTX on Monday on 10mg and then next Monday up to 15mg but today I am suffering with pain in my back, shoulders and hands and feet. Is this normal and shouldn't the MTX stop all this, or does it get worse before it gets better. I also take salozopyrin (4 a day) 1 lansoprazole and co-Dydramol for the pain. I have blood tests every 2 weeks until October and then monthly after that if the MTX is working.
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Date: 18.08.2010
From: kazzie

Subject: Re: 4th Dose of Mtx - suffering

it takes a while for it to work ive been on injections as the tablets didnt work for me but yes takes a while to work
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Date: 19.08.2010
From: Marilyn

Subject: Re: 4th Dose of Mtx - suffering

Thanks Kazzie, does the MTX stop the flare ups because the nurse keeps asking me what pain killers I take. So we still get pain even though we are on the MTX.
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Date: 21.08.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: 4th Dose of Mtx - suffering

Hi Marilyn

Ive been on MTX over 3half years now, but recently switched over to MTX injections, as I have an inflamed stomach lining, anyway, dont give up, remian positive ok, the MTX just dampens down the progression of the disease, it takes approx 3 months to kick in, so its early days for u, we all have to go thru this sadly, once its kicked in, the flare ups will deffo lessen, but they do not go altogether, but we r all different, I can only talk from personal experience, but also from hearing other peopels stories on this matter.....I also take Enbrel (Bio Meds) and I still get flare ups, and this still causes pain, so U do need to take painkillers too, depending on how bad your pain is, I have to take Opiates(zomorph) for my pain daily, ifr I dont, pain is bad, but the meds, help stop the disease ruining your joints etc..... the main thing is, to learn about the disease, the meds, and learn to re addapt your lifestyle, to the point that u r comfortable.....for example, if I do hoover my front room, my back goes, I have a history of bad back, and hd spine op, and still need another..... look at it this way, if U wernt on the meds, u wld feel worse, so its the bgest thing for u to take, U will get it under control, and U will also get warning of a coming flare up, its something we learn to spot as time goes by.......the most important thing in all of this, is to remain positive, hard I know, but try and keeep ya chin up, u r deffo not alone in this....and I wish U well

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