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Date: 21.05.2010
From: Andy

Subject: 26 years old and just diagnosed need support

Hello all,
About three weeks ago my left hip joint started hurting. It had never done this before and I assumed I had injured it playing squash, which I had just taken up, or running. It got worse (to the point that I couldnāt sleep without pain killers) and so, after going to the doctor, I went for an X-ray. I just got the results and they show bilateral early hip joint space narrowing and bilateral osteophyte formation, which I understand to mean I have early-onset osteoarthritis. I am male, have no history of this in my family, am not overweight and donāt smoke.

Iām absolutely devastated by the news and donāt really understand how it happened. I donāt want to sound melodramatic or self-pitying; I understand that there are many people in worse situations. But I am afraid that this diagnosis has taken away the life I want to lead. I work in post-conflict emergency aid, for which mobility (particularly the ability to walk long distances) is essential. I have always been very active sports (tennis, running), travelling, hiking, gym etc.

Does anyone have an idea of what my long term prognosis might be? Realistically, given how young I am now, am I going to be facing significant difficulties in my later life? Do I need to give up high-impact physical activity in favour of more physiotherapeutic stuff?

Iād be very grateful to hear any advice you might have.
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Date: 21.05.2010
From: Liz Immins

Subject: Re: 26 years old and just diagnosed need support

Hi Andy

Sorry to hear your news, I am 28 with Rheumatoid Arthritis (diagnosed 2 years ago) so don't know the long term prognosis for your disease. However I know it took me by surprise and I a while to get my head round, but from my experience if can get it under control early and quickly hopefully long term will not be a problem, i.e. I have had no physical damamge to joints as caught it early. For me the biggest thing is learning to pace myself and not be stubborn lol (a common trait of mine even my consultant described my arthritis as stubborn) I still do physically activity however I just ensure I rest the next day, taken my tablets etc beforehand. I think everyone is different it can be depressing and take over life if you let it - although we all have our bad days. Keep smiling :-) Sorry I can't be much help. Liz
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Date: 21.05.2010
From: Andy

Subject: Re: 26 years old and just diagnosed need support

Thanks Liz, that's very useful. You're absolutely right - I was panicking earlier, not as bad as I initially thought. Spoke to my doctor again and she said at this stage it's mainly cartilage damage and can hopefully be halted with physio and painkillers. But I'll deal with it whatever the outcome. There are some inspiring people on these message boards!

Good luck with your arthritis and thanks again for your comments.

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Date: 22.05.2010
From: shelzy1

Subject: Re: 26 years old and just diagnosed need support

Hi Andy

I am 33 tomorrow! and was diagnosed late last year after suffering with painful feet for almost a year, was told I have nodules in my feet and was getting treated for that. Anyway I felt exactly the same I was in the middle of wanting to retrain into a different field preferably nursing or paramedic field and at the time was also running and trying to keep fit. I was initially given a steroid injection and started immediately on 15mg methotrexate, with folic acid the following day but when returning to see my rheumatologist recently my symptoms had returned a little and have now been put on 20mg methotrexate weekly and plaquenil daily. I was really depressed at first and do occasionally dwell, why me, will things get really bad and when you sit in the clinic and see others you cannot help but worry. The thing that worries me is that I catch every little virus that goes around and I can never shake it off without antibiotics which I am on at the moment and just wish I could have a few months without visiting the gp. Anyway my theory is its happened, look after ourselves best we can, put our faith in the people who are experienced with this disease and hopefully the disease will progress really slowly for us or keep as it is!!!!

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Date: 22.05.2010
From: Kaz

Subject: Re: 26 years old and just diagnosed need support

Hi Andy,

Im 28 and diagnosed with RA 2 years ago, everything you are feeling is completely normal, the anger, fear, worry, resentment etc...
I played alot of basketball, and running and thought my whole social life was over..don't get me wrong quite offten i had to refrain from exercising or going out if I was feeling poorly, however a year down the line i had found medication that worked for me and i can lead a very normal life.
I work 50 hours a week as a store manager and have an incredibly physical job, my work were great and you will be suprised at what changes you are able to make to allow you to carry on doing your job.

We have different conditions so i cant say dont worry you will be fine, but please dont feel alone..come back to this forum and you will be sure to seek the support we all need .
Take Care
Kaz x
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Date: 22.05.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: 26 years old and just diagnosed need support

HI Andy n others that commented to Andys post.....Andy thing is Osteoarthritis IS wear and tear of the joint....I have Inflamatory artharitis(25/26 it began)...all I want to say to u is...please get a 2nd opinion i say u spoke to your Doctor, do u eman your Rhumatologist?...Gp, Doctors r Not always specialised in this field, do i wouldnt listen to your doctor...,just the specialist.....dont want U to feel guted by this, but I am helping You, by being Honest.......if u have wear and tear on the hips at your get, of course it will get worse the older u get.....also the more physical u r, the more wear.....PLESE go back, talk this thru with your Rhumatologist, or a different one, and ask about the type of treatments tht ppl like myself, and ppl with R.A. get.....we r taking very strong meds to dampen down further damage........they r the Immune im not sure if they work with the type of condition that u have.......hope I havnt burst ya bubble, but I have to be honest.....dont be fobbed offf by a Doctor.....speak to the specialist....ask about the MTX, and Anti TNF meds that r out there, to stop the degenration......pls let me know how u get Jill
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Date: 22.05.2010
From: Andy

Subject: Re: 26 years old and just diagnosed need support

Thanks all, very much appreciated.

After speaking to my doctor and a very helpful private physio (for free!) yesterday, I'm now feeling better although rather more confused. The doctor said that I have some very early symptoms of osteoarthritis "but wouldn't classify me as having the actual condition". The physio said that he is almost certain that I do not have osteoarthritis and that a majority of active people my age demonstrate some wear and tear on their hips (e.g. osteophytes) and that GPs massively over-diagnose.

So, I think I'm just going to focus on trying to use physio to get rid of the specific pain in my hip and then take it from there. If that doesn't work I'll be referred to a rheumatologist and for an MRI to see exactly what's going on.

Thanks again for your advice, made me feel much better!
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Date: 23.05.2010
From: Kaz

Subject: Re: 26 years old and just diagnosed need support

Andy, get to a sports specialist shop and stock up on high strength glucosomine its quite good for wear n tear of joints. Obv you would get prescribed something better from a rheumotologist but if you have been diagnosed then this might be a good first step
Kaz x
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Date: 28.05.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: 26 years old and just diagnosed need support

Hi Andy!
That must be hard to get your head round. Im 24 and have RA. Ive just had bi-lateral hip replacement. If your hips get too bad then i guess replacement is always an option. Then you wont feel a thing in the joints : ) keep on with the docs and see how the situation evolves. they may even suggest it to you. I know its a big step but im looking forward to the end of my recovery when I can really try out my new hips hehe : )
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