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Date: 19.05.2010
From: Rachel

Subject: Rheumy visit - what next?

Hi - I'm new here. I'm not sure what I have at the moment but my symptoms have been pain and swelling in both hands, stiffness etc. My RF was 38 and I also have Crohn's.

I saw a rheumy for the first rime on Friday and as always with me I forgot to ask some things.

So I was wondering what happens now? Do I ring the hospital or the GP to get blood & X-ray results or will they contact me. Or will I not hear anything till I see her again in 4 months?

Thanks - Rachel
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Date: 19.05.2010
From: louloubelle

Subject: Re: Rheumy visit - what next?

I often leave the rheumy kicking myself for forgetting to ask certain stuff (although my poor rhuemy's probably glad 'cos he usually gets a fair old grilling from me).

It might be worth writing down what you want to know and giving the rheumy nurses a quick call; I've found mine to be dead helpful. It's also worth asking them "is there anything else I ought to know" because, if they're any good, they may well give you information that you may not have even considered asking about.

Best wishes
Lou x
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Date: 19.05.2010
From: Rachel

Subject: Re: Rheumy visit - what next?

Thanks Louloubelle - good to know I'm not the only one ☺

Thing is I still don't actually know what I have -if I have anything even. I haven't got an answer as to why my fingers have been puffed up for the last 4 months. She said it could be the start of 'something'. I know it's my fault I should have asked.

I just got an appointment through the post - for 6 months (she did say 4).

I had a depo injection (I think that's what it was called) and my fingers although still puffy aren't as painful and stiff but what happens when that wears off?

I guess I should call the rheumy nurses as you say.
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Date: 20.05.2010
From: Abbie

Subject: Re: Rheumy visit - what next?

Usually with results you're Only contacted If something shows up or If you're copied in on a letter to your GP. Bloods you will hear within a week If anything is there and x rays 10days to 2wks. Usually when my depot wears off I just mention it next time I see GP or Rheumy but you can't have them too often. If the depot relieves your symptoms then you prob have some kind of inflamation. If I were you I would book in to see GP about a month after you saw Rheumy because then GP would have details and outcome of your consult and any results and will be able to fill you in on anything you need to know. Hope you get sorted. Go well! X
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