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Date: 11.05.2010
From: Teresa

Subject: How does everyone cope?

Hi all, I posted several months ago because I had been diagnosed with psoriatic Arthritis and had to start taking sulfasafazine and was a bit scared after reading up on all the side effects! Well after a few months delay (doctors on holidays etc and me being scared) I started taking them and so far have had no side effects other than feeling a bit sick. I still have not got up to the full dose, but fingers crossed! What I was wondering is how other people cope with the pain? I looked up PA on the internet and from what I can gather its milder than RA most of the time. So how on earth do all you guys with RA cope? Because some days im in so much pain I can hardly move! I cant even begin to imagine this being any worse.
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Date: 12.05.2010
From: Suzie

Subject: Re: How does everyone cope?

Believe me PA isn't milder than RA it's just set off by the psoriasis and it tends to be symetrical for some reason. I have PA and my Aunt has had RA alot longer and i'm alot worse off. Don't under estimate the pain your in.
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Date: 12.05.2010
From: Abbie

Subject: Re: How does everyone cope?

I have PA and don't know If ones worse than the other. Going by what I've read on here we all suffer the same and my view is everyones suffering/pain is an issue. We also all have different pain thresholds and I think pain is different in everybody. Just because I take morphine, doesn't mean my condition is worse than someone who doesn't because everyone tolerates pain meds differently. Thanks Suzie for putting my mind straight on the symetrical thing, I thought that was the case but wasn't sure If I had read it somewhere or If I just imagined it lol. X
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Date: 12.05.2010
From: Louise

Subject: Re: How does everyone cope?

I really don't think there is any difference between PA and RA when it comes to severity of the disease. In both cases you can be lucky and have very few problems or suffer terribly. I do not like taking pain meds and when i have a flare I try to remain positive and concentrate on the fact that it will pass. Everyone has different strategies to deal with the pain and I certainly find it easier to cope when the sun is shining and my mood is lifted - roll on summer sun!
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Date: 12.05.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: How does everyone cope?

all Arthritis is terrible, doesnt matter what type u have, pain is pain is pain, R.A. is more common and most people have heard of it....there r many diff types of artha, having tendon pain is nerve pain, and then u get aches, which is also nasty,then ther is shooting pain, which is horrrrific, then there is the naggging , gnawing, chronic continous pain, there is all differnt types of pain, aches and nerve pain,griniding pain, spasms, pulsating in terms of what type, its important to us as an individual to know what out bodies r suffering, but comparing what type is worse, doesnt matter, cos they all cause damage at the end of the day, unless we take the rotten meds they give us........all pain is dreadful, im in a flare up at mo,makes me damm angry... anyway, guys stay well, and look after ya selves
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Date: 12.05.2010
From: Teresa

Subject: Re: How does everyone cope?

Thank you all for your messages :)

So has anyone ever had some kind of remission from their arthritis? Is that even possible? Or has anyone had some really good results with the drugs they are given.. particularly sulfasafazine? Just want my life back :( !
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Date: 13.05.2010
From: Lynn B

Subject: Re: How does everyone cope?

Teresa I have to agree with everythig Jill says we all have pain terrible pain, excruciating pain, It doesnt matter wot causes it" pain is pain" name or no name ,chronic grinding, pulsating spasms.. all pain is dreadfull we all suffer some how,... Jill so sorrry you are feeling so sh...y (((hugs)))and best wishes tc xx
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Date: 13.05.2010
From: Abbie

Subject: Re: How does everyone cope?

Hi Teresa! I have a friend in the states with a bad case of PA like mine and she's on Mtx and been on Remicade 6months now. Since being on Remicade she has quite alot of her life back and has even gone back to work part time. I'm on Mtx and hopefully soon Remicade so i'm hopeful. I'm just desperate to be able to get a part time job. How ace would that be? :-)
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Date: 14.05.2010
From: Teresa

Subject: Re: How does everyone cope?

Hi Abbie, Im really sorry to hear that you have PA so badly. Did you ever try sulfasalazine? And if you did, did it make a difference?
I started out with pain in my hip and a few fingers, but didnt do anything about it because I was working at the hospital and doing a college course preparing to apply to uni for a nursing degree. I have waited 14 years to go to uni (until my daughter was old enough to cope) and did not want to jepordise my chances because of the occupational health forms I had to fill in. However things got so bad, my hip became so bad I could hardly walk some days, my wrists and elbows started hurting, my back too! Basically I started falling to bits and realised it was not about lying to get through the occupational health check.. I literally could not do the course anymore. I was stuggling with my job in endoscopy at the time and ended up quiting that too. So after the 2 years I finally went to the doc and here I am today! Luckily my xrays only showed damage in my wrists, so I am hoping and preying that the sulfasalazine works and I can at the very least get a job again. Or maybe even carry on and do my nurse training!
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Date: 14.05.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: How does everyone cope?

Fingers crossed Teresa! I was studying a few years ago and had to give it up because of my arthritis. It made me really depressed actually. Hopefully youll be able to get back to normal wit the correct meds but failing that the sooner you accept that things are gonna be different the better. I grew up ignoring the fact that i was in agony and couldnt walk properly. I managed to persuade myself that I was the same as everyone else. This resulted in me going into quite a deep and nasty depression. Since then Ive learned to accept it and to know my limits. I dont put myself in situations I cant cope with so i dont get stressed out about not being able to do them. initially its really tough though. Good luck : ) XX
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Date: 17.05.2010
From: Abbie

Subject: Re: How does everyone cope?

Hi Teresa! I'm afraid I've Only been on mtx and steroids. Unfortunately so far the mtx hasn't worked. Was on pills for 7months and have been on shots 2 1/2 months so am having dose upped for 4wks then upped again and then If neurologist gives his say so i'll start Remicade. Good luck with your treatment though I hope it's good for you. Go well! X
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