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Date: 03.05.2010
From: maz

Subject: Daughter with possible arthritis, help please.

Hi all, my daughter,36, has had joint paint for a couple of years, she had 2 blood tests, they did not show arthritis, i have RA, but her gp said it is not hereditary and that she has tennis elbow, im sure its possible to have arthritis and for it not to show in a blood test? does anyone know about this please?
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Date: 03.05.2010
From: KayJay

Subject: Re: Daughter with possible arthritis, help please.

maz you poor thing - you must be so worried. I wouldn't worry unduly I know the blood tests aren't that specific but is it just in her elbow ? When I was about 30 ish the Gp said I had Golfers elbow !! I said I've never played Golf at all. Started with OA of the back and hips at age 40ish. I didn't start with the RA until I was about 54 finally diagnosed last March. I must say that my Mum who is 79 is physically fitter than me !! and all her 4 sisters and her Mum didn't have this problem so I don't think it's defo hereditary. Try not to stress , hard I know. Lots of hugs xx
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Date: 03.05.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: Daughter with possible arthritis, help please.

Hi Maz, I have sero negative inflammatory arth and nothing shows up in my blood tests. There can be a hereditary element as I understand it but may be wrong. It could be she just had tennis elbow but would they normally bother doing tests for just one joint? They didn't when I had a shoulder problem. Perhaps she should try and get a referral to a rheumatologist to either rule it out or factor it in. Might put both your minds at rest.
I hope things turn out ok for her.
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Date: 03.05.2010
From: maz

Subject: Re: Daughter with possible arthritis, help please.

Hi both, thanks for replying, she has had pain in a few joints, knees, wrists and now her hip, interesting info about the sero negative arthritis Sally, i will mention it to her, i cant help her much at the mo as im in a bad flare myself and have this ruddy bakers cyst which stops me getting about much.
I will suggest she sees her gp again and asks for a referral.
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Date: 04.05.2010
From: Paul

Subject: Re: Daughter with possible arthritis, help please.

Hi Maz,

Even though i am no GP or Doctor it could possibly
be sero-negative arthritis, never shows on the blood tests unfortunately but you have all the symptoms.

I had it at first with pain in my hands and feet and then it spread everywhere, 4 years later it turned positive and all hell broke loose.

I hope the following link works, it explains about sero-negative arthritis:

If you have arthritis there is a possibility it will be passed on, doesn't happen all the time but most people i know locally who have it also had family members with arthritis, could be generations apart though.
It happened to me and my mum.. she was lucky (if you can call it that) and got it 5 years after me at 60 and i got it at 33.

Best thing to do is to get on treatment asap as its the best route to go; ask your GP for a referral to a Rheumatologist as soon as possible.

Hope it goes well and keep the forum informed how you get on please :-)

Many regards and all the best to you and your daughter.

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Date: 04.05.2010
From: louloubelle

Subject: Re: Daughter with possible arthritis, help please.

with regards to arthritis being hereditary, as I understand it there is a 1 in 16 chance of a child inheriting a gene which gives them a predisposition to the arthritis; it is then environmental factors (such as infection or stress) that lead to the onset of the condition.

I have psoriatic arthritis - I developed the skin condition, psoriasis, at the age of 7 which they believe was triggered by a series of ear infections. My mum has psoriasis too. I then developed the PA aged 9 but my mum waited until she was 50.

I was involved in a genetic study (carried out by Liverpool university if I remember correctly) that looked at the genetics of PA. They visited me at my house, asked lots of questions and took swabs from the inside of my mouth but I never heard any more after that.

Hopefully your daughters condition is tennis elbow (I think that's repetitive strain injury insn't it?) and not RA.

Take care
Lou x
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Date: 04.05.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: Daughter with possible arthritis, help please.

It's not that easy to diagnose these things. When I was in hospital they said my bad shoulder was, variously, rotater cuff tear, frozen shoulder, and something else I can't remember the name of. In fact, it was related to the arthritis and was the first sign obvious sign of it. Only when it was injected with steroids under an ultrasound scan by another consultant did they know what it was. This guy said all the others were wrong and explained why. He had scanned my shoulder and knees a few days before and told me I had inflammatory arthritis before any of the others knew! He certainly knew his stuff. So, don't always accept the first explanation you get, push to get a specialist opinion, bearing in mind they might take a while to find a diagnosis.
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Date: 04.05.2010
From: maz

Subject: Re: Daughter with possible arthritis, help please.

Good link there Pul, thank you i will pass it on.
My mum had arthritis, hers began at 40, i got mine at 27, so i think it was hereditary in my case.
I have told my daughter to ask for a referral, so we will see what happens, she was given diclofenac last week, so hoping that helps.
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Date: 06.05.2010
From: Est

Subject: Re: Daughter with possible arthritis, help please.

I had exactly the same thing... a sore elbow three years ago, I was diagnosed with tennis elbow. A little while later I got stiffness walking then pain in my jaw (now more widespread) and was referred to a Rhuematologist. My results have never showed anything untoward but I have in the last year developed some Psoriasis. I have now been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. It is possible although rare, to have the joint pain first so dont let anyone rule it out! My Rhuematologist was very good though and agreed it was some sort of arthritis and kept going with tests and treatment... Keep going you will get there XX
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Date: 06.05.2010
From: maz

Subject: Re: Daughter with possible arthritis, help please.

Thanks Est, ive told her to see our nice gp and ask for a referral.

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