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Date: 24.09.2007
From: Katie

Subject: Feeling abandoned by the NHS

Earlier this year I developed a Baker's cyst in my left knee which became very swollen & painful at the same time. It came on very suddenly. At a scan 3 months later I was told that the cyst was "very large" (I could see that - it's the size of a small orange) and that it would be aspirated. In the meantime I am doped up on Diclofenac and 2 strengths of CoCodamol. My hobbies of swimming, gardening and walking have gone as I can't stand the pain and they just make my knee swell even more. I'm losing money in my business as I am losing sleep with the pain. The only thing I can do is gentle cycling.
Another 3 months on and I finally got to see a consultant (a jr registrar) today and got x rayed. These show lateral arthritis in both knees, worse in the left. I can not fully straighten my knee because of the arthritis but I can't bend it either as the cyst is in the way - it's recently begun to bulge around the side of the knee. The strain of walking is giving me backache and I'm really worried about doing more damage.
The outcome is that I have to go back in another month's time to have a steroid jab in the knee which he says "may or may not make a difference". They won't do anything about the cyst, so it looks like I'm stuck with this restricted movement.
I've had conflciting advice from GPs (never get to see same one twice) about resting the joint or working it. I don't know how I should try to manage stairs (on my bum half the time!!) or how to prevent strain to my back.
So is there a place for physiotherapy in arthritis? Is it worth asking about? Do these steroid jabs work and for how long? Are there side effects? I've had the cyst for over 6 months now, might it just go away itself? Sorry to go on but I am rather lost in all this. I'm 52 but feel 82 at the moment.
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Date: 16.01.2008
From: Maria

Subject: Re: Feeling abandoned by the NHS

I was diagnosed with Baker's cyst in my left knee initially in 2004. I was not able to walk or stand properly. I struggled with every day activities (I could not accept that it was serious) and made my right knee to swell. I had a scan and within 3 months I had double arthroscopy. I was told that I had a problem with my cartliages. Six months later I had further problems and then was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritism.Now I am just learning a new life with PA. I am 54 now and in full time work.
Good luck
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Date: 22.04.2008
From: Hilary

Subject: Re: Feeling abandoned by the NHS

2 years into my RA I developed Bakers cysts. A cortisone injection worked for the next 8 years. They have come back again and now the injections havent worked. an injection in each knee today so hope it will work again for me. You must demand the cortisone injections. You may need it to be repeated once or oven twice.
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Date: 28.04.2008
From: debsie

Subject: Re: Feeling abandoned by the NHS

i was diagnosed with ra one year ago and my experiences with nhs are mixed. at the beginning it was fairly swift action from gp to see a rheu. consultant, but i have soon realised that the rheu. dept. are limited in what they will/can do. steriod injections seem commonplace, willy nilly almost, which in my opinion is a short term fix. i have a swollen lump on the back of my knee, and it's painful to walk on, cant kneel on it or cross my legs and on my shoulder too, whenever i complain and ask to see the consultant, i get a steriod injection from the nurse and no contact from consultant. i have had 7 in the last year along side 20mg methotrexate. i am 31 and have a one year old baby girl. i need an effective treatment that will enable me to function well enough to look after my daughter, my house and work part time, and maybe even a bit of a social life!
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Date: 19.08.2008
From: christine wood

Subject: Re: Feeling abandoned by the NHS

hi katie, ive had a bakers cyst in my knee, yes it is very painful, ive had it drained twice and injected with kenalog twice, up to know its ok, but ive lost faith in the nhs, ive had RA for 3yrs, and still not under control,im looking into trying the antibiotic therapy,ive had mex and sulf, and none of it works, it just causes infections, it runs your imune system down. christine.
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Date: 28.10.2008
From: Anthony

Subject: Re: Feeling abandoned by the NHS

Hello Katie,

I had to wait 9 years for an op to reconstruct my anterior cruciate ligament!! Now I have arthritis in it due to the years of my knee buckling through lack of support.

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Date: 30.10.2008
From: Romayne

Subject: Re: Feeling abandoned by the NHS

I have bilateral Baker's cysts for some 12 years now and after a long-haul flight caused a huge exacerbation in them requiring 3-day drainings by a local GP for the entirety of my 6-week stay (in S. Africa), I saw a surgeon about surgical removal, but was told that they no longer undertake the surgery because it rarely works. I disagreed, as I'd had my left one operated on under local (NOT a good move!!!) at the outset and it didn't recur for at least 7 years so for me, that was worth it, but like you, I now have had to just deal with them and cope. Only good thing perhaps is that because of my other multiple disabilities (incl lupus, fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrom) I'm more housebound and less active, so they're really no longer the huge problem they were when I was walking tons, and travelling a lot, which of course fires them up no end.
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