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Date: 20.04.2010
From: Mike Freeman

Subject: Diet?

Hi, I am 55 yrs and started playing golf again last year after a 25 year lay off. I soon developed a sharp pain in my back which travelled round my ribs. I went to the doctors who prescribed anti inflamatory drugs & arranged an appointment with the physiotherapist. My injury occured 6 months ago and is not yet healed. Years ago I had an x ray which diagnosed a bit of arthritis in my spine and the physiotherapist said my thorasic spine is very stiff. The physio diagnosed a sprain or tear to muscle or tendon and suggested plenty of exercise but this is not helping. In fact if I rest it gets better but when I become active again the pain starts again.

Regular doses of Ibuprofen seem to having little effect.

I have heard it suggested certain diets can help relieve this type of pain. I am vegetarian and am wondering if I am not providing my body with the vitamins it needs to rebuild my muscles.

Any suggestions welcome.

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Date: 20.04.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: Diet?

Welcome Mike, ive got arthritis of the Thorasic too, i also saw a physio, and she told me the same, the throasic doesnt move at all...altho there shld be little movement, there isnt any, this causes tremndous muscle spasms, and I take Diazapam to relax the riddled with it everywhere, neck to toes, tendons and ligaments too... if I rest it gets better, any anctivity kicks it off...wish I cld give more help, as u had the xray years ago, might be worth seeing a rhumatologist that might want u to have an MRI scan, to see what is going on now..... Ibubrofen isnt that good for that type of pain, I wld see the GP and ask for referal....Im uncertain about diets etc, some r for it, others against it, saying, it doesnt make much difference, however, u say u r a vegetarian, again I dont knbow enough to help there, nmy daughter is a vegetarian, her diet is terrible, she isnt a good one , so to speak...... others maybe able to support u with this prob u have, but I do understand the pain u get in the thorasic, Nitemare!...let us know how u get on Jill
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Date: 20.04.2010
From: connor

Subject: Re: Diet?

Hello Mike,

Thats an interesting point you raised about a vegetarian diet and possibly needing extra vitamins etc.

I remember reading an article written by Desmond Morris the zoologist. He stated that humans were originally herbivores, did not eat meat, and spent a lot of time nibbling away on vegetables etc. Apparently at some time we started on a meat diet and therefore had to spend less time foraging for food which gave us more free time to develop into what we are today. He also stated that todays vegetarian should supplement their diets with vitamins etc since our bodies now rely on a certain amount of meat intake.

My son started on a vegetarian diet about ten years ago along with his fiancee. Since that time I've noticed that both of them seem to be more susceptible to colds, flu etc. Almost weekly there seems to be something one or both of them are suffering from, be it a headache or stomach upset or something else.

I'm not condemning a vegetarian diet and I can see why people take it up, but its just something I've noticed in their case.

Maybe its a diet which simply does not suit everyone.
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Date: 20.04.2010
From: Louise

Subject: Re: Diet?

All of my teenage children are vegetarian, something that they chose as individuals, I also now have a pretty much veggie diet. My family rarely suffer from infections of any kind, despite them coming into contact with lots of friends at school with colds, seasonal tummy bugs etc. A few weeks ago I ate meat at a family meal for the first time in years and found that it left me feeling sluggish, bloated and uncomfortable for a good fews days afterwards - I certainly won't be eating meat again!
I think that as long as you eat a varied veggie diet and eat plenty of protein from nuts, grains, soya, eggs then you should be getting all the nutrients you need. So many people simply take meat away from their diet to become veggies, but don't replace the meat with sufficent non meat protein or had a cr*p diet as meateaters, remove the meat from their diets and then go on to have a cr*p veggie diet, thinking this is an improvement.
My personal way of maintaining a good veggie diet for all my family is to look at each meal and ensure that it has plenty of different natural colours, lots of colour = lots of nutrients = :)
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Date: 20.04.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Diet?

Hey guys,

My mums a homoeopath and has always been into all things natural. I was veggie from being born till about 17. I started craving meat lol so just ate it. Me mum has read that different blood types supposedly need different diets? Apparently my blood group needs meat? I dont eat much anymore though coz im not too keen.

Has anyone else heard this?

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Date: 21.04.2010
From: Minnie

Subject: Re: Diet?

Hi Mike, I am going to the margaret hill clinic in a few weeks, this man I ran into told me this work, since i cant take any medicine, my body reacts to.. I order books online and it work a try.. but I still will see my doctor.I talked to my gP over this and he said it can not hurt to try it.
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Date: 21.04.2010
From: KayJay

Subject: Re: Diet?

No Verity not heard of that. I went right off meat when I was 1st pregnant [ 29 years ago !! ] . Don't each much at all but found I was anaemic the other month so now on Ferrous Sulphate. Wonder if that's why we become anaemic if we don't eat much meat ? Although I know some veggies contain iron like spinach.
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Date: 21.04.2010
From: minnie

Subject: Re: Diet?

Spinish is bad for you, if you have arthritis.. I don't alot of meat, but i do eat some.. I love chicken and fish..
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Date: 21.04.2010
From: KayJay

Subject: Re: Diet?

Oh minnie didn't know that ? Doh something else I will have to give up :0( Yeah when I have meat it's usually Tuna very rarely have any other.
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Date: 21.04.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Diet?

Hey Minnie,
I went to Margaret Hills clinic when I was 15 (24 now). Theyve had some incredibly good results and I def felt a bit better when I did it. I found it a bit too intense, maybe because I was so young. Have you been or tried the diet before?
Take care
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Date: 22.04.2010
From: Mike

Subject: Re: Diet?

Thanks for replies,

In terms of my general health my diet seems OK. I had a well man health check last year which indicated blood pressure around the desired 120/80, cholesterol 4.3, all bloods OK and only a little under tall!

In terms of whether I am eating the best foods to assist my condition is another matter and I would be interested to learn of others experiences. I now note there is a question mark over spinach & rhubarb. I have a garden & grow both! It is obviously just as important to know what to avoid eating as it is to know what might be beneficial.

Please could someone enlighten me as to what the Margaret Hills clinic is?


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Date: 22.04.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Diet?

Hey Mike,

Margaret Hills had RA for a long time and was totally crippled by it. She opened a clinic for people so they can follow the diet that practically cured her. She figured it all out herself. They provide special vits, protein powder, molasses, cider vinegar (at a price lol). The initial consultation they go through your diet and what you eat etc. Do a few test to see zinc levels and other stuff then suggest what you need to do. Its pretty intense and you really need to totally change your lifestyle for it but it really can help and theyve had wonderful results.
Margaret Hills herself has died now but her daughter, Christine Horner run it. Shes very nice and knows what shes talking about. There are books available that theyve written - Curing arthritis the drug free way, margaret hills recipe books etc
Hope this helps
Take care

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Date: 22.04.2010
From: Minnie

Subject: Re: Diet?

I have not tried the diet before, But I have read 2 of her books, and I willing to try.. Also I am seeing Christine on next week.. I will follow it, and I will do whet they tell me , to help.. Also they treat other arthritis condition also..
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Date: 25.04.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: Diet?

Ive got Gastritis, inflamation of the stomach lining, can happen to anyone, anyway, its a nitemare, and altho had my Gall Bladder out just 9 days ago, i thought Briklliant, can eat what i like, but I forgot all about ther Gastritis, as ther surgeon sdaid having thr GB removed, wld take away all other tum prob....Not the case, for me anyway, read still gotta eat bland food, no coffee(poo) and no alchol(dont drink) but I do eat, and lost appetite, but when i get hungry, live on sloppy porridge(tum fine with that) or wholemeal bread with honey, jam,(I dont eat dairy produce of any sort), so u can imagine I do eat a very bland diet now, cant even eat at the end of the day, where I always thought that diet re Athritis is a loada rubbish, Im changing my mind rapidly, becos food r infact affecting my stomach lining, the meds do affect the tumn too.....having severe artha is bad enuff, having my gb out, but to discover that I still have inflamed stomach, well tht is rubbing salt in the wound!!
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Date: 25.04.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Diet?

It was all goin so well Jill! Can the docs not give you anything to help? Has your op wound healed yet?? Hope youre ok : ) xx
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Date: 25.04.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Diet?

hi V, yes the 4 keyhole Holes have healed amazing, but the GB takes 6 weeks to get over the op, for all inside to recover, buit its the bliddy Gastritis that is giving me hell...I had that along with the GB at the same time, and after the op, cos i didnt eat much initialkly, it all felt good, but now 9 days on, and begining to want to eat other foods that ive missed out on, im getting that pain gave me osemprazole and extra strong gaviscon, thats it really, and eating bland food.....will c what happens..... thanks for asking, tc xxx
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