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Date: 28.03.2010
From: Toots

Subject: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

I've just been diagnosed and my rhummy wants me to start taking methotraxate straight away, but my hubby and I have been trying to have a baby for some months. I don't know whether to give up on trying to have a baby and start treatment or put off trying to treat my RA. Anyone have any advice?
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Date: 28.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

Gosh, big decisions there. I have absolutely no idea whats the best thing. If you went straight on the MTX would you try again for baby in the future? How severe is your RA, where does it affect ya? Sorry, loadsa questions!

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Date: 29.03.2010
From: Kirstine

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

I would go by how bad i thought my arthritis was.
if you start mtx then stop to try to concive you will have to have stopped it for a good 3-6 months before you try. Ive heard people say when pregnant arthritis can ease considerably and some people dont suffer from it at all, however it can flare up after birth (mine did). When pregnant ive been reading that there are some drugs they can give you to ease RA which are safe.
Have you discussed it with your rummy?

If you havent spoken im much depth to rummy about it then make an appointment as the more info you have the easyer any decision will be. If your RA is bad and you still want to keep trying maby your gp could give advice that could help things happen quicker.
Sorry i cant offer any more advice. X
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Date: 29.03.2010
From: Toots

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

My RA is bearable at the moment, my fear is that it will get worse if not treated. As we have been trying for a baby for a while and not been successful I am not sure when we could start to try again. I am 31 if that helps at all. Thanks for the suggestion re gp, we are going to try that route. Thanks, sorry it is just so scary to not know what will happen to you
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Date: 29.03.2010
From: louloubelle

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

I have psoriatic arthritis which is similar to RA and have been having enbrel injections for some 8 years. My rheumy was happy for me to keep having these injections when trying for a baby but told me I had to stop them as soon as I found out I was pregnant. He also put me on sulphasalazine which is fine to take while pregnant so that when I stopped the injections I already had the meds in my system.

After 13 months of trying, I'm now 10 weeks pregnant! I personally have found the last 6 weeks without my usual medication quite difficult but things are beginning to improve PA wise now and it is expected that the pregnancy should stop my PA from getting much worse until after I have my baby. As soon as I give birth I am ok to start back on my regular meds.

You could perhaps ask your rheumy if sulphasalazine is suitable for you.

Good luck
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Date: 29.03.2010
From: kylee

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

i was on sulfazaline when i got pregnant and stopped the medication when i found out i was pregnant. i was fine with my ra without the meds as pregnancy makes the ra synptoms lie dormant i had no flareups or pain for 9months. i have also noticed i havent been as bad with my ra since having my daughter.
my rhummy said they dnt no why pregnancy helps your condition but i was fine throughout my pregnancy up untill i was 32 weeks and i was struggling carrying the extra weight so i asked my runny if i could be induced they waited till i was 38weeks for the baby to be fully developed and i was induced
hope this can be of some help to your concerns
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Date: 29.03.2010
From: toots

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

thanks for the above comments, am seeing my GP next week and the rhummy the week after that, so will seek their advice and also ask re sulfazaline. Congrats louloubelle, wishing you all the best with your pregnancy!
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Date: 29.03.2010
From: louloubelle

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

Thanks toots.

Kylee, I think the reason for the improvement during pregnancy is that your immune system dips and so you have fewer white blood cells attacking the joints. Of course, a lot of the disease modifying drugs are given to RA and PA patients lower the immune system!

Let us know how you get on toots. Even though we'd been trying for a year, we weren't seriously trying (i.e. we were just seeing if it happened). But I fell pregnant on the first month that I started checking my dates thoroughly. You need to make sure you're at it like rabbits during that tiny window of opportunity - my fella didn't know what had hit him lol. Hope it happens soon x
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Date: 29.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

My Artha didnt attack me during any of my pregnancies, after my first baby, that was the true begining of Artha attacking me, but over the years and after a further 5 very much wanted babies, it eased, but Hit me hard 2002 big time, crap ever since...Toots, ya know what, the gals r right, once u begin taking MTX, takes 3 months to Kick in, and then they wld kinda expect U to stay on it a while, otherwise no point begining it and waiting The 3 months b4 it 'Kicks in', U say that your artha is bearable at the that case, I wld Try Hard for your Little bundle of joy, and then go on the MTX after shes/hes born, or the sulpha as Louloubelle was /is on....this Forum is brill, U arnt alone, cos we r a great bunch and support each and keep us informed what u will do xx
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Date: 29.03.2010
From: Toots

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

Thanks girls, this forum is making me feel better already! Well we are already seeing a gynae due to the not getting pregnant part, hence I am worried that if it takes another year or so is that too long before getting treatment for my RA? Hubby thinks that my health is more important, so we are thinking about putting a 6 mth time limit on it, and maybe going straight for some treatment re trying to get pregnant first, and then if nothing happens in 6 months, then call it a day and maybe adopt...

Thank you all, and I will let you know what we decide to go with, it is just such a whirlwind to find out you have RA, and then to have to decide re trying / giving up trying for a baby has been tough.

I hope that it gets easier, my family have been great so far.... fingers crossed

thanks again
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Date: 01.04.2010
From: Kirsty

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

Hey Toots what a dilema im sorry to here that. Someone sort of explained earlier but thought i would further during pregnancy one half of your immune system is down regulated to protect the fetus (as the body would otherwise think it is foreign due to DNA from the father) This is the same part which attacks us people with RA thereofre many people go into remission throughout pregnancy. As far as I understand it if you start any drugs with RA they will take a while to build up in your system and have an effect and then they need time to get out your system before you could try for a baby again e.g. i was told that methotrexate can take upto 6mo to have full effect and you would then have to come off it for 6 mo beofre trying for a baby. If your RA is bearable it may be best to keep trying and then when you have had a baby you can start treatment which would then be less interupted if you get what i am saying. Maybe seein a female gp who may be more understanding about wanting a family etc may help too. I really hope you come to a decision you are happy with soon take care

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Date: 11.07.2011
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

bumping up
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Date: 18.07.2011
From: Julie

Subject: Re: Should I start treatment or continue trying to get Pregnant?

I think if I were you, I would go on how bad I thought my arthritis was, and make a judgement call based on that sweets.

Good luck and keep us all posted. Take care xxx
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