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Date: 20.03.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Verity, where r ya girlie?

Hope ya ok today, ive been a bit crabbby lol, and im goona go for now, got pain, every3where it seems, will try catch up with u on fb ok

tc J x
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Date: 20.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Verity, where r ya girlie?

Hi Jill,

Im still here! Been feelin pretty shittoday coz my consultant changed me anti inflams to naproxen to see if i felt any better, but woke up this morn swollen and stiff as a board. So feelin a bit crabby myself! Must be sommet in the air lol

Success with my consultant yesterday! Im going ahead with the double hip replacement and Im being put on the urgent list so should be sooner than normal. Going on the anti TNF too. Having my DAZ score done again but with only 3 weeks in bewtween instead of 4 so I can get on with it sooner. Ill be going on Etanercept so will only have to be off it for 2 weeks before op. Again, she was really keen to get on and sort me out which took me by surprise. It seems whats normal to me is far from it to them!

How are you doin lady? Hows your gall bladder doin? You managed to get any relief from it yet?
I hope youre ok

All my love xx
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Date: 20.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: Verity, where r ya girlie?

Hi Verity FANTASTICO NEWS!!! blimey u r soooooo brave, but does make complete sense, cos it wild be dreadful to be in pain with one hip[ cos of the artha, and another in defffo makes sense to me, also fab news about anti Tnf meds, ya right about that V, we begin to take things in our stride, but when the Specialists see the damage, and see the pain , they must think Blimey, its becos we live it, they see it, and know it must be dreadful when they see a scan liike yours with two dodgy hips....unfair Verity, ya too young, but on the flip side, u will have NEWBORN hips lololol.....haviung big probs with stoamach, distended, look 6 months preggers, and hurtd wehn i eat, cant eat much at all....woman I met in hosp( we r now m8s) shes in agony, having the Gall bladder op in 3 weeks, her symptoms r same as mine, so I know in my heart its the GB and not thegastitis playing up, symptoms r different too..... so im a mooody cowwwwwww. anyway gotta go bed, helps when I lie down...take care and well done getting what U need XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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Date: 21.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Verity, where r ya girlie?

Hey Jill,

Your stomach sounds so painful. Are you just gonna have to put up until the op or will there be any relief?. When they take out your gall bladder will you have to take anything or replace it with anything to make up for it? Sounds like there'll be a lot less pain after its gone. Are you any better with fluids or is it when you put anything in your stomach?

I hope youre ok today,
Take care

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Date: 21.03.2010
From: sally

Subject: Re: Verity, where r ya girlie?

hi Verity, pleased to hear your news.
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Date: 21.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Verity, where r ya girlie?

Thanks Sally! I just want it done now. Im so impatient! lol
How are you?

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Date: 21.03.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Verity, where r ya girlie?

Hi Verity..seeing surgeon re the GB mon 29th march at 10, will get all the right info then, but from my symptoms, seems its the Gall bladder that is causing the pain,althyo I have the Gastritis too(inflamed tum lining,) but the symtoms dont match with the pain I get, so i dont eat much, im ok, most ppl that get the GB pain do have it removed, also I know two ppl whos gall bladder stones have moved to the pancread and biliary duct.....The GB is a useful organ, but liver can vope without it, mite mean tum gets extra acid in there, but get given meds for that, mite also cause slight diaorea, dont care about taht either, cos my Mesa make me soooooooooooo Constipated(its the slow release morphone meds that do it) can u imagine if I wasnt taking those, id be doubled up, well I was last nite for 3 hours infact...nitemare....joints not so great today, but i can cope with that t the mo.......How r U coping? Id be Impatient too V, u will have a new lease of life! Hip ops r sooooo successful, so no need to have any worries....Jill x
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Date: 22.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: Verity, where r ya girlie?

Hiya Jill! One extra pill a day is more copeable than the pain youre in now by the sounds of it! Odd thing to say, but I hope they do take it out for ya. You should ask to keep it so you can stamp on it. Im tempted to ask my surgeon if I can keep the bone they remove from my hips. Or at least see them anyway! is that weird? I dont think so lol At least once your GB is done you can get on with everything else.

Im Ok, had a rubbish morn this morning coz I had to be up for blood tests and smear test. My hips were really bad this morn so I was DREADING it. But, as usual, it was a lot better than I imagined. (Although I never realised they stuck their fingers up after theyd done the smear, sorry boys if youre reading lol It took me by surprise a bit haha).
Ive had to start takin the Tramadol regularly and then Im takin two if im in severe pain. The first two days were awesome but almost back to normal. Although the edge has been taken off so thats something.
Rheumy put me on Naproxen (been on diclofenac for bout 10 yrs) I tried it for a day and a half and couldnt cope. Went straight back to me diclofenac. Its the only one that seems to help lol.

How are ya doin today?

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Date: 22.03.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Verity, where r ya girlie?

V, Hi, sent message on other post ok, gotta go and get my gal from work, lol yur Not weird, that is the sort of thing I ask, I wanted to see all My babies Placentas...didnt cook it tho!! lol and ya right, I will get that blidddy GB abd stamp on it!! U crack me up and make me smile, so thanks for that....lots love J
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