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Date: 02.03.2010
From: Sally

Subject: lost it today in outpatients!

I waited 2 hours for my appointment and finally left before seeing the doctor as realised it was at least another 30mins before I got seen. A friend was waiting for me and I didn't feel I could keep her waiting any longer. The clinic staff were quite shocked - has no-one ever left in disgust before? If not, why not? Until people vote with their feet doctors will continue to leave you sitting there waiting hours. In what other arena would this be acceptable? No other one! It's arrogant, rude and thoughtless.
There, I've got that off my chest! (but have to go back next week to try again)
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Date: 03.03.2010
From: Cathy

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

Yes I have almost done it!
It was sooo late and I had to collect my daughter from the childminders!there were 5 people left in the clinic, they all said I could go in front of them but the nurses wouldnt let me!
at least that was a long time ago- the most recent one ,was 2 hours late but I had childcare sorted, and at least they told us how late it was going to be, and the service was so brilliant when I got in, all was well!

maybe next time, ask what the waiting time is??
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Date: 03.03.2010
From: val

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

hi have been lucky so far only waited 15 min but then only had 2 appointments lol
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Date: 03.03.2010
From: sally

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

I was told waiting time 1/2 hour when I checked in, then it went up to 1 hour but didn't know it would be two or more! Even if I had known it wouldn't have made any difference, I still couldn't have stayed. To me, it is irrelevant if the doctors are brilliant (and mine is) - we are not living in the former Soviet Union, though sometimes it feels just like that to me having just re-read Solzenitzen. I think many doctors in this country are still really arrogant. I think they forget we pay their salaries with our taxes as they expect us to kowtow to them. Wouldn't happen in the private sector! Not that I agree with private medicine but why shouldn't the NHS be run efficiently and with respect for the patient?
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Date: 03.03.2010
From: KayJay

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

Sally when we had that snow a few weeks ago I struggled to the Rhumies because I was in so much pain. There were only 3 other patients and 2 doctors who had turned up. Great I thought surely I'll not be ages now. But the locum I was seeing had been bleeped to attend something else and the Consultant was just sat in her office waiting for the non existant next patient. I thought well common sense must prevail here and I asked the nurse if the consultant could see me instead. She asked but a big NO from said Consultant and I had to wait , in all, about 1.30 hours for the locum. MADNESS !!
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Date: 03.03.2010
From: sally

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

It's bizarre isn't it? That's kind of what happened yesterday. The consultant was seeing people who's appointments were after me. Apparently, he only sees new patients!!
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Date: 03.03.2010
From: Paul

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

Well done, not enough people stand up against poor service.
After my private health care "ppp" refused to cover my RA after 2 years, i went back on the NHS under the same Doctor.
First appointment i saw someone else who took no interest at all, did not read my notes and just said to carry on and come back in 4 months even though i said the other Doctor recommended another drug.

Next appointment came, Granmother passed away 2 days before it, drove for 11 hours in pain to the north of Scotland, buried my Grandmother and drove back the same night to make my appointment the next morning. Just outside my home town at 4 in the morning i hit a wheel someone had left in the road ( i was doing 70), car trashed.. car towed away and i sat outside a garage for 3 hours waiting for it to open. Car in garage, now off to hospital for appointment. Got there and the place was full, my arthritis had flared up and finally got seen 3 hours late by another Doctor who also did not give a hoot.

In the end i complained and moved hospital, even to one not covered by my local trust.
I see the same Doctor, always on time and i am very happy... shame i can't get the drugs i would like though.
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Date: 03.03.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

Blimey Paul, you've been through it a bit. I wouldn't have stayed that long to see a doctor. Problem is that I am in one of the best hospitals - just came out top for everything and I know the docs are really top class - apparently my shoulder consultant is 'one of the best in the country' according to my GP. To be fair, if I had been in a lot of pain like you were I may have stayed but my shoulder is a lot better and there is no urgency to see him - or, more accurately, one of his registrars now that I am not a new patient!
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Date: 03.03.2010
From: KayJay

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

Even more bizarre Sally. I've only ever seen registrars in all the 18 months I've been going. Never once seen a Consultant until the bad news on my last visit !! High RF etc ......
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Date: 04.03.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

Well, that says quite a lot Kay, don't you think? I wonder if you would have been diagnosed earlier if you had seen a consultant......? It's hard to know of course but you can't help wondering. I have to say,wasn't wildly impressed with the registrars when I was an inpatient and my shoulder consultant did get my diagnosis wrong the first time - so maybe he isn't so brilliant after all lol!
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Date: 09.03.2010
From: Abbie

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

You're all probably gonna hate me but I can see both sides. I always seem to have to wait ages and this used to really p me off, that is until last time. Last apt I was waiting 70mins before I got called in and was getting more and more p'd off and stressed but stuck it out because I was beside myself with my current flare. When I went in, because of one thing and another I was in there nearly 40mins but that was because the Dr was SO thorough. I then changed my mind about waiting and saw it from the side that He was SO late because he's SO thorough and has time for people and on that occasion I was one of those people and was SO greatful. Oops sorry guys, please don't hate me.
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Date: 10.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

Hey, just to agree with you there Abbie. I went to speak to my surgeon on Mon and he gave me all the time in the world and I ended up feeling very happy and comfortable after the appt. There was a little sign on the wall saying that every patient is given as much time as they neeed which may lead to late appts. And that if you have a prob with that then speak to the nurses.

Its a pain in the arse if you have to be somewhere afterwards but worth it if you need extra time yourself!!

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Date: 10.03.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

After a major spine op(2003) had to go back to clinic to see how i was coping(2 crutches and in agony) waited 2hours!! couldnt sit, couldnt walk, was a nitemare, had friend with me, but i was in agony...Like Abbie said, he took his time with me, was in there a fair bit...everytime tho, I always have to wait up to an hour to see consultnat, or longer, I refuse to see regisitras, Like KJ, not seeing consultant is disgusting, happend to someone I knew too, thing is, newbie patients dont realise we need to see the consultants, becos we think that the 'Registrars r the best, some r, some arnt, learnt registrar told my daughter(15 at time) that her back (all discs) were age of 45 year old woman...told Consultant what was said, he replied NO way is her back that age, she has herniated disc...the rest of her discs r normal! the worry that caused my daughter and me, was horrific, took 4 months b4 we found out it was wrong info.....also recently, teo registras told me my gall Bladder was inflamed, turns out it wasnt, so I personally dont have any faith in registrars, cant tar them with same brush, I know, but my experience with Most of them over the years has been poor service....ask to see the Consultant always, I do, and I will wait if I think its about something important, for example ive got to have spine operated on this year, NOT seeing registrar to talk to him about it, anyway rambling here.....
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Date: 10.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

Sorry if I sound retarded...... but, registrar? Is that similar to GP?
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Date: 10.03.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

Hi Verity... Registrar is the next one down from conbsultant! so they think they know it all, they r higher than a GP, usually specialise in one field,(I think) lol....but some Registras think they know it all, often they work with a group pf doctors that r studying to be a registrar, take years to become a consulltant, the registrars refer back to the 'Main man' Consultant!..... btw regards the other posting about MTX, I came off it becos I felt so ill, was correct in doing that, was told, in hosp with Gastritis while u away and they found gallstones, seems gotta hve Gall Bladder away, anyway I didnt see any diffrence cos since that bliddy car accident, I flet sick and dizzy etc, but sill soon know if the MTX is making me unwell again, usually makes me feel bit 'off it' and very r u today? x
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Date: 10.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

Oh flamin eck Jill, if its not one thing its another! When are you gonna get a break!?! That sounds bloody painful. No wonder you haven't been feeling well. I hope everything settles or they can find something else to help. Will the anti TNF not be as effective on its own?

Im OK thanks. Legs been pretty painful coz I think Im having a flare up but other than that! Managed to get myself a disabled parking space at work so I dont have to walk from the car park. Wooo! Ded chuffed about that, ive given up on being paranoid about the blue badge etc it saves me too much grief to care now lol
Hope your OK (ish)!

Night night xx
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Date: 11.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: lost it today in outpatients!

Hi Verity, yea im ok, im a tough cookie, with a soft centre tho lololol,,,the blue badge thing is fab, cant do with0out mine,,,,u deserve yours my sweet xx re the Bio meds, yes they can work, but not as good....however, if the MTX got too muvh for me, think il try the injection type, if that dont work, give it up altogether....stay happy and strong V xx
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