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Date: 09.02.2010
From: Nadine

Subject: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

Hi Guys,

Still not much change on the diagnosis front for me. Only found this website amonth or so ago. I have been quite ill recently stomach bug, (i see a few of you have had this too) flu and generally so tired all the time. During this my joints have been really tight feeling and painful I went to my GP who was really only concerned with taking bloods to rule out a virus, fair enough I suppose however a month later and I still feel really tight, sore and tired even when doing nothing. I asked my doctor if I could be in a flare up and he said he didn;t know? I am going back next week to throw my toys of my pram as I feel like I am repeatedly hitting the same brick wall. My doctor still hasn't refered me to a rhummy any ideas on the best way to deal with this. I am sick of taking pain killers that just kill my appetite and make me grumpy. I am starting to think my GP is only concerned about trying to combat the pain. I have been told that arthritis also falls into the auto immune cat does anyone know if this is correct?
Also I spoke to a family member who suffers from the Poly form. In the end she was not diagnosed untill she was hospitalised for repeat chest infections. Her 2 sisters are now virtually immobile through it. Just don't know what to do to move forward. I have been told by my aunt that depending on the type it can degenerative when not medicated?
Sorry to sound so negative guys I dont mean tobe.. I have been trying to rule out a few things myself diet and food triggers for example pork does cause me a problem which is cool as to be honest I can live with out it. Im not a big drinker but I have found Largers make for suffering the next day as apposed to wine. I have been purposly trying not to tax my body by moving correctly not over reaching or lifting heavy weights. But I feel like I am in limbo land going nowhere. I seen my consultant In Jan who just said without even talking to me or examining me that there is no deteriation! he will see me in 6 months am i free on 4th of June!! To be honest I feel like burying my head in the sand and ignoring it all but thats not going to help me. Any ideas as to how I can get them to give me a diagnosis. I always end up thinking they are ignoring me because of my age (28).
Thanks Nadine the newbie
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Date: 09.02.2010
From: sally

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

Hi Nadine,

I once had a problem with a GP who wouldn't refer me to a consultant for something. I repeatedly asked and in the end wrote him a letter asking him to do so. He didn't like it but referred me. I found a new gp eventually. He won't like you putting it in a letter as it will then be on the record but that's prob what will make him do it.
Of course, you could always move to a new gp practice if you have another one available to you in your area.

You say you have a consultant already? Is that for something else? You can always ask for a referral to another consultant if you aren't happy with the one you've got. You shouldn't be left in pain and ignorance. Yes, arthritis can be auto immune if rheumatoid or inflammatory and lots of other types too. However, it's not always easy to diagnose, as your other family member found out. It took quite a time to diagnose me.
I don't think they would ignore you because of your age at all - maybe you need to ask some more questions from them, if you look at some of the arthritis links on the home page there is a lot of info out there on what to ask. Maybe it will help them focus a bit.
Sorry you are feeling so fed up, hope this helps a bit.
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Date: 09.02.2010
From: nadine

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

Hi Sally,

Thanks for the advice. I will look at the links. I have been referred to an arthritis specialist although I will be asking to be referred to someone else as he doesn;t examine me even when I talk to him he doesn't take notes or even look at me. When I ask him a question he says its not relevant. To be honest I am beginning to think he is an ignorant sod. I have an appointment with the GP next week and I am seriously not moving until progress is made. I have already taken the day off work and if needs be I will sit there until he decides to do something productive. I have reached that point now. I have been keeping like a daily journal writing down how Im feeling etc so that I can show thedoc plus incase I forget when Im in there. LOL
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Date: 09.02.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

HI nadine, welcome, u have found the right place..sorry to hear bout being fobbed off, Y did the doc refer u to an arthritis specialist? ane not a Rhumatologist? sounds like the artha specialist is just a nurse mb?? U r entiteld to a referal from your GP....Do what Sally did, on here we do NOT accept people being fobbed off, so we kinda Nag u lol with a small N to fight , fight fight, lol I sound like a politian.....seriously, ¦U must see a rhumatologist, also u r right to keep a diary, cos we do forget,...lots of people do get pain and often it isnt artha(arthritis), we call it artha in here , anyway, once u persist at the GP, eventually U will get referede, but u must gi back to that gp weekly or twice a week...dont give up ok....also ask the GP to refer u iMMED as seeing a rhummy can take months on waiting list, but once u r seen they see u every three months, or less, depending on how bad things get for u......U need the right treatment, u soun d like a very strong positive gal, so keep that up, we have all at one stage or another had the same fobbed off attitude...dont give in....keep at it....diagnosing artha is difficult, hence the returning to the rhummy every 3 the wshceme of things of artha, it isnt a long time to wait, Nadine, good to have U on board, there will be plenty of advise sent to u regards your posat, so keep your chin up and go and sit at the gps surgery, dont leave until u have a referal, take a friend with u, so u dont feel intimidated...will really help u.....take care Jill x
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Date: 09.02.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

Hi Nadine! I can only agree with Jill and Sally. Stand your ground girl! If it is arthritis then it'll need to be dealt with as quick as poss as you already know. Just because theyre doctors doesn't always mean they know best unfortunately. Im not saying that I do! Just, you can't always trust them to do their best by you.
Definately take someone with ya for support and insist that you be referred.

Good Luck xx
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Date: 09.02.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

Hi nadine, good about the diary. I've started to do that otherwise I forget when I see them, esp if am having a better day. Sounds as if you have decided to stand your ground with your gp. Think about Jill nagging you,that will help a lot - you don't want her on your back lol! Really though, stick with it.
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Date: 10.02.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

LOL think ive got at least three peeps to Nag in here!! snowing again, blimey...can u believe it, my first time ive driven today after a month, and it was bliddy snowing!!! think im turning into a hermit, dont like being out, went shopping with fella too, it was manic, think it was me that was going dizzzzy again, driving me nuts...Plus I keep Burping, after the accident, I felt nauseas and dizzy, but now, cant eat, and when i drink feels like is slipping down around a lump in my eosufagus(cant spell that) but the foood tract! wont go, tried everything, If i do eat, it wont go down, had porridge only Yest, and 7 hours later It felt it was in my chest! no heart burn, no acid....gettting worried fed up, its unreal!!!
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Date: 10.02.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

Jill that sounds bloody orrible! You gonne pop to the docs to see what they think?
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Date: 10.02.2010
From: Lynn B

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

Jill your realy going through it lately, dont leave it do wot Verity says and get to the quacks!!
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Date: 11.02.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

HI gals, yea Im gong when my GP gets back from hols nxt week, only like to see him, still got the 'blockage'...origionally, after the crash, banged head, and day after, felt sick, very sick, and dixxy, couldnt turn head at all without losing balance, anyway, aftetr two coming up 3 weeks, still dizzy(that was the time I couldnt get on here, cos I couldnt see prop and dizzyness was dreadful), then I had severe (dont giggle) Impacted Constipation!!!!! OMG!!! but now, on lots laxatives, so kinda ok in that department, but ther blidddy sickness in throat and between booobs, feels like there is a blockage....cant eat, losting weight at last ...Yayyyyyyyyy, but seriously, eating tinned fruit Only,...burpin like a blidddy fisherwife!!! lol.....I do larf, but gotta be honest, feel a little bit scared now.....guess it could be m,y Thyroid again, cos its Regrowing badly!!!!! thanks guys for support, luffs ya all xx
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Date: 12.02.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

How ya feelin today Jill? Any better?? xx
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Date: 13.02.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

I kinda feel better, but this tummy thing is causing me stress and pain, so will see gp this week, tho its Half term OMG, its gooona be sheer heell, kids fighting all the time ..... woke with bad pain in upper tum, just ate, will c what happens in say half hour, prob be doubled up yet again!!...hows u Verity? Im peed of with my fella, mooood GIT!!!!!! sent him(after he went to work) a 12 page text, saying if ua blidddy bored and unhappy, then ya know what to do...... he goes all queit, ask whats up, he says nothing, but he seems distant....or if I say something, bite my head offf.....cant cope with twats like that....dont need it, told him got enuff crap going on in my life, dont need his stooopid tantrums! grrr im sooo angry....mind U V, I often think I mite be Happier with him gone, bercos that weay, I dont have to sustain a relationship, and sod the washing up lolol.....he goes hot and min joking and larfing, looking after me when really bad, making me feel good and special, as soon as I begin to feel better, get begins to get grumpy....he hates me being on the computer, have s snide comment if I go online, even just on this forum, he know this forum means a lot to me, and last nite, for over a month my computer has beenfixed and i went on FB, some of the gals in here r on it, caught up with lots of them and my own m8s, was online for a long time, 3 hours or so, and when I went to bed, he made acomment about being online 6 hours a day!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr, couldnt cope with being on longer than an hour usually, and also I was catching up on lots m8s.....feel I have to Justify myself, and when I try to, he replies, U dont have to justify yaself to me!! Grrr.....sod, git , nitwit,......(ttok deep breath, feel better norap from OH?? like, nice when ya sick, get betterm and they get mooody again!!! typical gemini he is!
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Date: 13.02.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

Oh Jill that sounds dead frustrating. Has he Actually said to you he's bored? Thats a horrible thing to say. I can understand the moody get thing. The being all quiet and if you ask whats up just get a 'yeh im fine!' when its obvious sommets up. Im also the sort of person that would rather just say things as they are rather than fanny around being polite. Unfortunately it tends to get ppls backs up. It does my OH anyway!

I dont think they understand the whole using the internet to keep in touch thing (because its not possible to leave the bloody house). I get moods and tantrums when I watch soaps. Its like, 'this is all I have! I cant just leave the house for fun like you can!' It really annoys me.
Do ya think maybe he's jealous of the time you spend with others online? Do you have much time for the two of you on your own??

Im ok, feeling a bit shit physically the last few days. i think the cold has done me no favours. Its been colder than normal.
Been having a look at cars today so quite excited about that. Definately takes the edge off feeling shitty lol

Hope thinks are a bit better xx
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Date: 15.02.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

Hiya Verity...yes get car shopping, cos im excited what ya goona get!....think he was having a bad day ....he left me a teddy bear and beautiful card(dont like cut flowers) not well enuff to go out for meal, plus i dont eat out much due to getting foood posioning, dont need that at all.......yea he goes quiet, pisses me off....Im not online that much, feet go numb after an hour....we r all ok now, until the next grumpy time....mb its me, sensitive, I wouldnt ignore him, say if hes just got in from work, ima very loving person....and repect him, so wouldnt over do the internet thing......he said he does get bored, becos like u, in all the time, plus its toooo cold to go out, cant wait till spring, summer, will get out tum was agony again last nite....felt like my tum was goona burst, feeels like an ulcer(imagining) dont know what ulcer feels like mind, something isnt right...I know that much......seeing Gp tomoz.....thanks for ya post, get better soon ok....and i know what ya mena about the soaps, and blidddy Jordan and her life!!! they wld all stop bliddy whinging if they had this, wouldnt they!!

tc Veritypoos x
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Date: 16.02.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: flair up or not? feeling totally lost today

Hi Jilly!
Ive decided to go for the Honda Jazz in black. Apparently the average age of buyers for this car is over 60 lol (thats how old I feel sometimes!) but its lovely to drive and the drivers seat isso high and supportive. Plus it has really easy foldable seats that even im able to do. Coz I cant reach the boot door if its open it has back seats where the seat cushions rise so I can use the back for boot space instead!

Glad youve sorted things a bit. I think all relationships are difficult if you have some sort of illnes like ours involved. Means we have to work even harder! Its like having a third person involved.
I find that the more Im stuck in the house the more sensitive I become. Its hard to keep a grasp of reality when youre stuck inside all the flamin time! I can't wait til summer either. Just to be able to sit in the garden! (although we have a shared garden and after spending lots of money on it last year our neighbour has just let her dogs use it to s**t in. Its absolutely vile out there. Very annoyed)

Good look with the GP, let us know : )

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