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Date: 09.01.2010
From: Thanks001

Subject: Advice please

Hello all......I been to see a rhumatologist and he diagnosed me with RA, in my left knee...I'm lucky (compared to most peaple on this site soo much pain peaple are in I really feel for you after reading through this forum) So he said that he would/could write a letter to my employers to confirm the RA I have.

When I read the letter it says, " He presents with pain and swelling in this knee where arthroscopic findings confirmed a chronic inflammatory synovitis. The clinical diagnosis lies between a mono articular RA or a psoriatic arthritis"

After getting the run around from the NHS, first a DVT and then keyhole surgery (Where they found nothing apart from inflormation), I am starting to think this might be Consultants putting me into another "box" so say. Even my doctor has smiled at me and kinda said the DVT was a run around.

Its been about a year now that I've had this problem, and no joint problems anywhere else. My hip hurts like hell on the same side, but I think this is due to musclular becuase I havnt been walking properly for 12 months and my GP told me to really take it easy and rest until we know what the problem is, my quoids have wasted away on that side now

Can anybody give me any advice?

One other thing, can you take multivits and Glucosamine sulphate in liquid form at the same time as taking salazopyrin??? Ive been on Sala for 11 weeks now and no difference

Im due to see my rummey for the second time on the 21st of Jan so hopefully he can confirm RA?????
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Date: 09.01.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Advice please

Hi there, Im Jill, unsure what DVT means, anyway with regards your Hip, I woudnt assume its due toyour Knee, I wld have an MRI on that hip, the fact U have R.A. and luckily just in the Knee at the mo, doesnt mean it hasnt spread to the hip, un less u get it checked out....with regards the quads, ,most of us, if not all have got wastage of the muscles, due to lack of mobility, both my knees are now twisted outwards due to the inner quads wasted and the outer still being strong....there is one solution to regain the stength back in the quads and that is to do at least 5 months worth of quads weight exercising at the gym, but i doubt u wld be able to do that due to your painful knee.....I managed to fix mine, but now im far worse, my quads r Poo, and like u, have synovitis in both.... may need Knee replacement if gets far worse..... cant help U with the meds, as I dont know them, Im on diff to u...someone will be able to help u with your other questions soon....hope this kindda helped u, but I wld deffo google your R.A. so u understand so much more about it, being on this forum will also show u how others are coping/not coping, but we all try to give one another support and help, and hugs if needed..... take care Jill
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Date: 09.01.2010
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Advice please

Hello there,
You say you are due to see the rhummy on the 21st Jan, it might be an idea to write down a list of questions you have, and ask him so that you can understand more of what is happening to you.
I have RA was diagnosed in Dec 2008 after starting with a swollen wrist in the Feb progressing to a swollen knee as well by June, both on the right side.
I didnt do or say much on my first visit to the rhummy because I was very vague about the disease anyway.
As I was given medication though I began to research the condition more. This lead to me wanting to ask loads of questions, like I noticed other types of arthritis which I felt my sypmtoms fitted right into, so I became curious to know how he had come to his conclusion, so I asked him.
He was very helpful, he explained what he has found that determines my condition and answered every single question I had.
You say your knee is swollen to, I am suprised the rhummy did not suggest a steroid injection, I have had it done, and the relief is great, it only lasts for a couple of months but it does give you a good break from the pain.. Also my quoid was wasting as my knee had been swollen for 6 months or more, but when I started to use my leg properly again it became okay.
I now have RA in my both knees and my hip gives me grief on the left side I think that is down to my knee to, I get very sharp pains down my leg and up my lower back with it.I had both knees injected again in Nov 2009,so I am having it good at the moment still.
Before all this started I did have a troublesome knee for a short while which was suspect deep vien thrombosis and I was checked out but it all corrected itself, dont know if that had anything to do with the RA.
I always take various vitimins and nutrients with my medication, I have never been told not to, so dont really know the answer to that question sorry.
Hope this helps a little bit.
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Date: 11.01.2010
From: Paul

Subject: Re: Advice please

Thank you both for your advice. I will get a big list together for the rummey, I do regard myself luckey (at the Moment to have this just in my knee) as looking through the messages I really feel for the other peaple on here that have this illness.

I will take away your positive comments and sergestions and act on them

Can I just say thank you both for the time and concideration it has taken you to return some advice

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