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Date: 09.06.2007
From: lily

Subject: diagnosis

my daughter is 8 and she has severe pain/swelling/rash in her joints. It feels like we have had every test imaginable and they have decided its probably arthritis. I cant get into a specialist until sept to confirm the diagnosis and i am desperate to find someone really good. she crawled home from the bustop yesterday because of the pain. My heart breaks for her. I just need to find someone who will help us. who is the best, most compassionate and thorough? What tests should I be asking for? We are in the very beginning of this but I want to be making smart choices for her. She also has severe nausea. Is that normal?
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Date: 11.06.2007
From: Katherine

Subject: Re: diagnosis

I have been living with the symptoms of major arthritic flare ups since I was ten...I was told it was all in my head at first, then I was told I'd grow out of it. I am 32 now and still waiting to grow out of it and am still waiting for a proper diagnosis; I was told 1 year ago that I have something called sero-negative arthritis, which means that I have all of the signs and symptoms of arthritis, but it doesn't show up in my blood. My advice to you is just to continue being supportive and really think about the advice the doctors are giving; let her be part of the decisions that are going to affect her body and capabilities. In terms of the nausea, I know that severe pain always makes me nauseated and the medications make it worse. Maybe try keeping a diary of foods and other observations about what affects the pain and swelling; I have found through my own observations that I have to be really careful with salt and sugar intake. Also, if you have access to a topical treatment called Lakota, try it, it has really helped me with the pain.You and your daughter will be in my thoughts. Take care.
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Date: 18.06.2007
From: cherie cliff

Subject: Re: diagnosis

Hi, my name is Cherie & I've had RA since I was 13. I'm now 47. The single most important thing is to get an early diagnosis so that the disease can be treated as early as possible. I would suggest you go back to your GP and press him/her for an earlier appointment with a Rheumatologist. I can also recommend a specialist hospital in Bath called The Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases. They are experts in this field. Once again speak to your GP. There are other specialist hospitals in the UK and your GP should know them. For support for yourself and your daughter you could contact Arthritis Care helpline which is a freephone number on 080 8800 4050. Good luck to you both.
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